Where in the heck did the last month go???? I know I was here, but sure can't believe it is almost the end of December!
Let's see, where do I begin? Skunk problem was solved Monday after Thanksgiving...thanks to a great service I found here in Tucson called "animal experts" Yes, we had a dead skunk up in the insulation under the kitchen. Took a while to neutralize the odor, but it is gone.
We had company the first week in December...friends from Minnesota came for a few days. We hadn't seen them in a few (15) years so we had a lot of catching up to do. Sure enjoyed them.
Then good friends Kathy and Rowland were here from Seattle for a few days. They are thinking about becoming snow birds some day and wanted to check out the area ... we are hoping they will decide on Tucson. Had a great visit and always hate to see them go home!
Al came home from the Skilled Nursing Facility on Dec. 19; under Hospice care. What a great organization this is. We are using Casa de la Luz, which is the same hospice we used with my brother. They are so caring and helpful. Plus my neighbor and good friend Barb is a Nursing Supervisor there. He is doing well, even after all the company we have had for the holidays.
Friends Dick and Lano came from Yuma on Dec. 20 and what a great help and support they are to me. They left to go home this morning and Al is already asking when they are coming back.
Jenn arrived on the 22nd and grandson Danny arrived on the 23rd. So nice to have them both here for Christmas. And for the first time in 50 years I didn't cook Christmas breakfast or dinner...Jenn did it all with assistance from Danny and a few others. Nice to have a break, but it did seem odd not being in the middle of it.
Jenn left Monday to go back to Seattle, Danny leaves early (1:45 a.m.) tomorrow to go back to Washington DC. We had both Washington's represented here for Christmas. :-)
Our good friend Jude is in the hospital and not doing too well, so I try and go to see her every chance I get. Today Barb's dad Carl sat with Al...I appreciate all the help and support I have. I don't think I could do this with out it.
So here is wishing you a great 2012....Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Skunk that came to Thanksgiving Dinner
Tucson, Az
Nov. 24, 2011
Happy Birthday Denise!
Happy Stinky Thanksgiving...you might ask why "stinky". We lets start at the very beginning.
Last week a critter got under the house and died...it smelled horrible for a few days, but finally cleared out and all was well. And before you ask, there is no way I will ever crawl under this house...I know evil things must live under there! Spiders, snakes, etc.
Today I was busy cooking my favorite meal of the year...I LOVE TO COOK THANKSGIVING DINNER! It brings back so many great memories of my childhood and cooking with my mom; and of when my children were little and they would help me. Now Jenn and I have a tradition of cooking together, even if we are 1800 miles apart. She calls me and I call her to see what stage of prep she is in, or what little oops she might have had, or more than likely here lately, how many oops I have had. (like forgetting to put the turkey in the oven on time or not putting slits in the cooking bag.) ANYWAY, as I was saying about 11:00 a.m. I got a whiff of a javalina...they smell like a skunk...kinda that musky odor. Hmmm...I looked out side and didn't see any thing but the smell was getting stronger by the minute. By the time Gary and Jeannette arrived about 11:30 it was really smelling like SKUNK....pee yew! Still thinking it was probably just a herd of Javalina, Gary and I walked around the house...couldn't see any of those pesky things, but did notice where something had clawed it's way under the deck, which goes directly under the house. By this time the smell was getting very bad. Barb and her parents arrived and agreed....something stinks. Messed up the great smell of dinner cooking. GRRRR. So Carl (Barb's dad) and Gary took off all three of the access covers to under the house, got out the flashlight and looked but couldn't see anything, but wow...the smell was, well, skunky.
And of course the strongest smell was under the kitchen. This skunk wanted to eat with us! Great.
Barb, Gary and Carl went to pick Al up ... he got to come home for four hours today for dinner. Did my heart good. It was hard on me today not having him around while I was prepping and cooking. He was always my potato peeler, taster, etc. AND I realized I will probably never cook another Thanksgiving dinner in this house as it goes on the market the first of the year. Kind of melancholy....sad. But it was wonderful to have him home and I am so thankful for that. He did really well, however, he still isn't very strong.
Everyone enjoyed dinner, even with the horrible smell. Which seemed to come and go. But when we were in the kitchen doing dishes it really got powerful....but I also thought I smelled gas. I did some sniffing and did smell gas. So I called the gas company and they said to evacuate the house, do not turn on any lights, etc. and they would be right out. Thank goodness it was nice outside and we all went out and sat on the deck, still smelling skunk! How can one little critter smell so bad? But now it is smelling like a family has moved in. And of course, no pest company was open today, or even taking calls.
Gas company arrived and the first thing the guy said is SKUNK! NO KIDDING! He did a check and found a small gas leak, so my very sensitive nose is still working. That repaired, he left, but we still had the skunk. FIRST THING IN THE MORNING I AM CALLING THE PEST PEOPLE.
Al was happy to be home, but he was very tired when he went back to the care center. We sent him back with pie, so that made him happy. We all stuffed ourselves and had a lot of fun, regardless of the smell. It wasn't a perfect day, but fun one and we all enjoyed each others company. I would have loved to have my entire family here, but know that will never happen, so I take what I can get. I am just very thankful that Al was able to come home.
So here's hoping you all had a wonderful day and are happy and stuffed, just like I am. Now let the holiday madness begin.
Nov. 24, 2011
Happy Birthday Denise!
Happy Stinky Thanksgiving...you might ask why "stinky". We lets start at the very beginning.
Last week a critter got under the house and died...it smelled horrible for a few days, but finally cleared out and all was well. And before you ask, there is no way I will ever crawl under this house...I know evil things must live under there! Spiders, snakes, etc.
Today I was busy cooking my favorite meal of the year...I LOVE TO COOK THANKSGIVING DINNER! It brings back so many great memories of my childhood and cooking with my mom; and of when my children were little and they would help me. Now Jenn and I have a tradition of cooking together, even if we are 1800 miles apart. She calls me and I call her to see what stage of prep she is in, or what little oops she might have had, or more than likely here lately, how many oops I have had. (like forgetting to put the turkey in the oven on time or not putting slits in the cooking bag.) ANYWAY, as I was saying about 11:00 a.m. I got a whiff of a javalina...they smell like a skunk...kinda that musky odor. Hmmm...I looked out side and didn't see any thing but the smell was getting stronger by the minute. By the time Gary and Jeannette arrived about 11:30 it was really smelling like SKUNK....pee yew! Still thinking it was probably just a herd of Javalina, Gary and I walked around the house...couldn't see any of those pesky things, but did notice where something had clawed it's way under the deck, which goes directly under the house. By this time the smell was getting very bad. Barb and her parents arrived and agreed....something stinks. Messed up the great smell of dinner cooking. GRRRR. So Carl (Barb's dad) and Gary took off all three of the access covers to under the house, got out the flashlight and looked but couldn't see anything, but wow...the smell was, well, skunky.
And of course the strongest smell was under the kitchen. This skunk wanted to eat with us! Great.
Barb, Gary and Carl went to pick Al up ... he got to come home for four hours today for dinner. Did my heart good. It was hard on me today not having him around while I was prepping and cooking. He was always my potato peeler, taster, etc. AND I realized I will probably never cook another Thanksgiving dinner in this house as it goes on the market the first of the year. Kind of melancholy....sad. But it was wonderful to have him home and I am so thankful for that. He did really well, however, he still isn't very strong.
Everyone enjoyed dinner, even with the horrible smell. Which seemed to come and go. But when we were in the kitchen doing dishes it really got powerful....but I also thought I smelled gas. I did some sniffing and did smell gas. So I called the gas company and they said to evacuate the house, do not turn on any lights, etc. and they would be right out. Thank goodness it was nice outside and we all went out and sat on the deck, still smelling skunk! How can one little critter smell so bad? But now it is smelling like a family has moved in. And of course, no pest company was open today, or even taking calls.
Gas company arrived and the first thing the guy said is SKUNK! NO KIDDING! He did a check and found a small gas leak, so my very sensitive nose is still working. That repaired, he left, but we still had the skunk. FIRST THING IN THE MORNING I AM CALLING THE PEST PEOPLE.
Al was happy to be home, but he was very tired when he went back to the care center. We sent him back with pie, so that made him happy. We all stuffed ourselves and had a lot of fun, regardless of the smell. It wasn't a perfect day, but fun one and we all enjoyed each others company. I would have loved to have my entire family here, but know that will never happen, so I take what I can get. I am just very thankful that Al was able to come home.
So here's hoping you all had a wonderful day and are happy and stuffed, just like I am. Now let the holiday madness begin.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Hey...who changed the blog format?
Nov. 9, 2011
Okay, since I have been gone someone (Google?) changed my blog format. Confusion I don't need.
I feel like the last few weeks I have been on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! After I posted my last blog on Oct. 16, that day, Al took a fall that landed him back in the hospital. He didn't get hurt but was so weak he couldn't stand. He spent a few days in the hospital and then was transferred to Health South Rehab where he spent 2 weeks. He gained some strength back, started walking again and getting better. Then on Nov. 1 Al was moved back to LaCanada Care Center from HealthSouth. HealthSouth said he wasn't improving enough and wasn't ready for more rehab at their level. Poor guy is so confused! And it is very frustrating for me. Just when it looks like he is doing better, he slides back down the slippery slope again.
He was welcomed back at LaCanada warmly. Even though it is a Skilled Nursing Facility, it is still a nursing home and very depressing to me. I gritted my teeth going in there. However, in the nine days he has been in there I have seen some improvement. I have no idea how long he will be there. All I know is by Dec. 9 he will be out of there...he will have used up his 100 days of medicare coverage for the year. UGH.
On a brighter note, I celebrated my birthday recently and all of our friends and family here made sure I had a great day! And all my kids checked in and I received a ton of cards...so I say thank you to you all. I needed that.
Friends Ann and Gene from Bellingham are in Tucson for a month and I have been able to connect with them. Good to see them. And Gary and Jeannette are back for the winter as well. As are a lot of the snowbirds!
Our friends Jude and Roger are celebrating their 50th anniversary on Nov. 11. Unfortunately, Jude is having some health issues so they plan on spending it very quietly, but I want to wish them a Happy 50th.
Our weather has been cold lately. Well, cold for us. It went from being 90 for days on end to 50 in the day and low 40's at night. Today it managed to get to 67...brrrr. We didn't go gradually into cold, it changed quickly.
So until next time...keep living your lives...enjoy each day. Remember to smile.
Okay, since I have been gone someone (Google?) changed my blog format. Confusion I don't need.
I feel like the last few weeks I have been on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! After I posted my last blog on Oct. 16, that day, Al took a fall that landed him back in the hospital. He didn't get hurt but was so weak he couldn't stand. He spent a few days in the hospital and then was transferred to Health South Rehab where he spent 2 weeks. He gained some strength back, started walking again and getting better. Then on Nov. 1 Al was moved back to LaCanada Care Center from HealthSouth. HealthSouth said he wasn't improving enough and wasn't ready for more rehab at their level. Poor guy is so confused! And it is very frustrating for me. Just when it looks like he is doing better, he slides back down the slippery slope again.
He was welcomed back at LaCanada warmly. Even though it is a Skilled Nursing Facility, it is still a nursing home and very depressing to me. I gritted my teeth going in there. However, in the nine days he has been in there I have seen some improvement. I have no idea how long he will be there. All I know is by Dec. 9 he will be out of there...he will have used up his 100 days of medicare coverage for the year. UGH.
On a brighter note, I celebrated my birthday recently and all of our friends and family here made sure I had a great day! And all my kids checked in and I received a ton of cards...so I say thank you to you all. I needed that.
Friends Ann and Gene from Bellingham are in Tucson for a month and I have been able to connect with them. Good to see them. And Gary and Jeannette are back for the winter as well. As are a lot of the snowbirds!
Our friends Jude and Roger are celebrating their 50th anniversary on Nov. 11. Unfortunately, Jude is having some health issues so they plan on spending it very quietly, but I want to wish them a Happy 50th.
Our weather has been cold lately. Well, cold for us. It went from being 90 for days on end to 50 in the day and low 40's at night. Today it managed to get to 67...brrrr. We didn't go gradually into cold, it changed quickly.
So until next time...keep living your lives...enjoy each day. Remember to smile.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Okay, so I am a little behind here on my blog. I read Jenn's blog and then I start to think "I need to write on my blog"...they someone hollers for something (not saying Al would do that) and I lose my train of thought. Well, my train has been derailed for many years. Just sayin'
Al got home from rehab/skilled nursing/hospital on Sept 30. He spent a grand total of 75 days in one or the other of those facilities. He did really well when he came home, for about 3 days! Now he seems to be on the long downhill slide again. Complaining his legs/knees/back/hips hurt. He saw the back doctor a week ago and he will see him again this week, however, doctor thinks he may have to have another round of epidural shots in the back. They seemed to help him last time. Let's hope they will help this time. As his son Ric said "Dad getting up is a noisy affair!" and that is right, he groans/moans/grunts etc. I don't mind it during the day, however, at night I do get just a little testy when he does it...espeically when I am woken up from a sound sleep. Which, speaking of, I don't get very much of.
The weather is fall"ish" here. We had 3 days of real fall weather, then, summer returned with a vengance. It was 103 Friday and yesterday and suppose to be today. I am so ready for the 90 degree weather of fall...I need some "Cool" weather. 90 degree I can stand right now, 80 would be nice, but that isn't until usually November. However, you can feel fall in the air, if you sit just right, at the right light, at the right time of day/night. And it does cool down to 70's at night. And the few tree's that we have are dropping some leaves as is my Ocatillo, which is dropping it's tiny leaves all over the front deck.
I didn't mention a few blogs ago that we had to put one of our cats to sleep in August. Juanito lost his fight with kidney failure on Aug. 30. I am still crying. Jose, our other cat and Juanito's brother is stuck to me like glue. The dogs are finally accepting that Juanito isn't coming home; Jose and I are having a harder time of it. He was a great kitty...I called him my lover kitty as he loved to cuddle with me -- only me. No one else! Yes, he was definitely MY CAT.
Ric and Janet were here for a week...well, Janet was here for 5 days and Ric for a couple of days. He was on a business trip to Mesa, so Janet came a long and stayed with us. It was sure good to have her here and I truly enjoyed the visit. Wish we could see our kids more, but that would be almost impossible since they are scattered from Portland, OR/ Lancaster, CA/Seattle, Redmond WA/ and St. Louis MO! Oh well, we take what we can get and be happy with it. I think our traveling days are over...until Al recovers much more than he is now. And I just don't think that will happen. So I look at our albums and cherish the great memories we have of our travels. I am so glad we traveled when we could.
Hope this finds you all happy and living life the way you want!
Al got home from rehab/skilled nursing/hospital on Sept 30. He spent a grand total of 75 days in one or the other of those facilities. He did really well when he came home, for about 3 days! Now he seems to be on the long downhill slide again. Complaining his legs/knees/back/hips hurt. He saw the back doctor a week ago and he will see him again this week, however, doctor thinks he may have to have another round of epidural shots in the back. They seemed to help him last time. Let's hope they will help this time. As his son Ric said "Dad getting up is a noisy affair!" and that is right, he groans/moans/grunts etc. I don't mind it during the day, however, at night I do get just a little testy when he does it...espeically when I am woken up from a sound sleep. Which, speaking of, I don't get very much of.
The weather is fall"ish" here. We had 3 days of real fall weather, then, summer returned with a vengance. It was 103 Friday and yesterday and suppose to be today. I am so ready for the 90 degree weather of fall...I need some "Cool" weather. 90 degree I can stand right now, 80 would be nice, but that isn't until usually November. However, you can feel fall in the air, if you sit just right, at the right light, at the right time of day/night. And it does cool down to 70's at night. And the few tree's that we have are dropping some leaves as is my Ocatillo, which is dropping it's tiny leaves all over the front deck.
I didn't mention a few blogs ago that we had to put one of our cats to sleep in August. Juanito lost his fight with kidney failure on Aug. 30. I am still crying. Jose, our other cat and Juanito's brother is stuck to me like glue. The dogs are finally accepting that Juanito isn't coming home; Jose and I are having a harder time of it. He was a great kitty...I called him my lover kitty as he loved to cuddle with me -- only me. No one else! Yes, he was definitely MY CAT.
Ric and Janet were here for a week...well, Janet was here for 5 days and Ric for a couple of days. He was on a business trip to Mesa, so Janet came a long and stayed with us. It was sure good to have her here and I truly enjoyed the visit. Wish we could see our kids more, but that would be almost impossible since they are scattered from Portland, OR/ Lancaster, CA/Seattle, Redmond WA/ and St. Louis MO! Oh well, we take what we can get and be happy with it. I think our traveling days are over...until Al recovers much more than he is now. And I just don't think that will happen. So I look at our albums and cherish the great memories we have of our travels. I am so glad we traveled when we could.
Hope this finds you all happy and living life the way you want!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Things are looking up!
Well, things are finally beginning to look up. Al was moved to Oro valley hospital rehab center yesterday to begin extensive therapy to strengthen him so he will be able to come home. He has been doing well at the Skilled Nursing Facility and the powers that be feel he no longer needs that level of care. Good news for us. Now I pray he can maintain the therapy level required as he has to do 3 hours a day to remain in this facility. Of course, those 3 hours are broken up to different segments during the day.
It was like old home week at rehab. The nurses, CNA's and staff all were glad to see him and see him doing so well. When he left there last July he was really in bad shape, so this made them happy. They are really a great team to work with....we have been there enough, this is Al's 5th visit there.
The weather has finally started to cool off and feel a little like Fall. Right now (10:00 a.m.) it is only 73 outside...of course that is in the shade...it is 93 in the sun. Still it is better than the 110+ we had there for a while. And the weather guesser's say the monsoons are over. So much for our rain. We had a few good storms, but we still need rain. However, once I said that, I realize we ARE living in the middle of the Sonoran Desert!!!! :-)
Son Ric, Daughter-in-law Janet and niece Sherrie just finished walking the 3 - Day, 60 Mile Susan G Komen walk for the cure in Seattle last weekend. Daughter Jenn and Granddaughter Cammie were the best walker stalkers as well. Great job; so proud of all of them for supporting such a good cause.
Not much else new to report for this time. I will keep posting to the Caring Bridge site for Al 's progress....check it out at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/alfredwraspir
Until next time, hope this finds all of you happy, healthy and living life.
It was like old home week at rehab. The nurses, CNA's and staff all were glad to see him and see him doing so well. When he left there last July he was really in bad shape, so this made them happy. They are really a great team to work with....we have been there enough, this is Al's 5th visit there.
The weather has finally started to cool off and feel a little like Fall. Right now (10:00 a.m.) it is only 73 outside...of course that is in the shade...it is 93 in the sun. Still it is better than the 110+ we had there for a while. And the weather guesser's say the monsoons are over. So much for our rain. We had a few good storms, but we still need rain. However, once I said that, I realize we ARE living in the middle of the Sonoran Desert!!!! :-)
Son Ric, Daughter-in-law Janet and niece Sherrie just finished walking the 3 - Day, 60 Mile Susan G Komen walk for the cure in Seattle last weekend. Daughter Jenn and Granddaughter Cammie were the best walker stalkers as well. Great job; so proud of all of them for supporting such a good cause.
Not much else new to report for this time. I will keep posting to the Caring Bridge site for Al 's progress....check it out at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/alfredwraspir
Until next time, hope this finds all of you happy, healthy and living life.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Doctor Visits
I took Al to two doctor visits today. He saw the "ologist" brothers, neurologist and nephrologist. It is quite a chore to take him to these appointments. First I have to let the SNF know in advance (usually they like 2-3 days notice) then I have to get him into the car (a chore in itself) then put the wheel chair in the car, which I swear weights 70 lbs by itself. Drive to the docs office, retrieve the wheelchair, get Al in it; wheel him into the doc's office without taking out people, door jambs, etc. Get him into the exam room with out doing the same as above. Then repeat the process all over again to get him back in the car. I did this twice today, no wonder I am exhausted tonight.
Both the ologist has good reports. Al's neurologist was amazed at his memory test...he scored higher today than he ever has...EVER! Glad Al didn't have to take this test last Sunday...he was having a very confusing day then. Doc said that will happen, but Al seemed very alert today. Then to the nephrologist (Kidney)...he too was amazed. Al's creatinin was almost perfect! Kidneys functioning at about 50%..doc says that very rarely EVER happens. So two good reports today.
However, by the time I got him back to the SNF he was completely worn out. Definitely not ready to come home -- even Al admitted that.
Tomorrow is our 30th wedding anniversary. We won't be celebrating it by going out on the town...or even going out to dinner. Al's favorite meal is pot roast, so I will cook one and take it to him and we will have a romantic (?) dinner at the SNF. (Skilled Nursing Facility) We would both rather be on a cruise somewhere instead. But that isn't about to happen.
The weather is still, hot, hotter, hottest, and more hot. I love the heat, but even I am tired of it. I am just thankful that we aren't in Texas. I feel so bad for those poor people. The weather has just be weird all over this year. My mom used to say that when the weather got weird it was because of all the "rockets" that were sent into space...I am beginning to wonder if she wasn't right!
Both the ologist has good reports. Al's neurologist was amazed at his memory test...he scored higher today than he ever has...EVER! Glad Al didn't have to take this test last Sunday...he was having a very confusing day then. Doc said that will happen, but Al seemed very alert today. Then to the nephrologist (Kidney)...he too was amazed. Al's creatinin was almost perfect! Kidneys functioning at about 50%..doc says that very rarely EVER happens. So two good reports today.
However, by the time I got him back to the SNF he was completely worn out. Definitely not ready to come home -- even Al admitted that.
Tomorrow is our 30th wedding anniversary. We won't be celebrating it by going out on the town...or even going out to dinner. Al's favorite meal is pot roast, so I will cook one and take it to him and we will have a romantic (?) dinner at the SNF. (Skilled Nursing Facility) We would both rather be on a cruise somewhere instead. But that isn't about to happen.
The weather is still, hot, hotter, hottest, and more hot. I love the heat, but even I am tired of it. I am just thankful that we aren't in Texas. I feel so bad for those poor people. The weather has just be weird all over this year. My mom used to say that when the weather got weird it was because of all the "rockets" that were sent into space...I am beginning to wonder if she wasn't right!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
11 days later...
I am really not doing a good job at this blog anymore. Guess I have a little too much on my mind.
Al is doing much better, matter-of-fact, he MAY come home this week. Of course we will either Hospice or Home Health Care and at this point in time it is unclear which one it will be. It initally started out as Hospice, but the doctor at the Care Center wants AL's primary doc to sign the order. However, because of Medicrap Al can't see his primary doc until he is discharged from the Care Center. I feel like I am in a real Catch 22 here. I have an appointment with our primary doc tomorrow and I will talk to him about the best way to handle this. If he determines that Al doesn't need Hospice, all the better; I just want to make sure Al has the best of what he needs.
I haven't been doing too much lately. It has been too hot to do too much. Was 114 one day; and of course that was the day I had multiple appointments. I have discovered the inside of my car can get to 140 degrees...at least that is what it felt like. And parking in the shade in Arizona is almost impossible (cactus do not make shade trees!)
I decided while Al was not home I would clean out our closet. I didn't think it would take me 2 weeks, but it has. Because of my back, I work a little on the closet, then I rest, and then the process repeats. So far I have been able to do this without hurting my back too much. And not it is crunch time, I HAVE to finish the closet tomorrow. Golden Goose (local thrift shop) here I come.
I also want to paint a wall in our guest room, but I don't think that will be done before Al gets home. It is too hot to do anything out side...even at 6:00 in the morning it is in the high 80's and the other night at 10:0 p.m. it was still 92. I usually don't mind the heat and much prefer it over cold, but for some reason I am having issues with heat this year. Of course, our monsoons haven't really been great this year, a lot of humidity and very little rain.
Friends Dick and Lano were here for a few days last week...with their puppy Misty. Misty is Beau's great niece and is 8 mos old. She sure is cute, but, oh boy, is she ever full of energy. Wore me out just watching her. Beau, has become an old man and will growl at her. Or maybe he is trying to teach her manners, I don't know. All I know she is so cute and I really enjoy her. Schuster just ignores her for the most part...
More when more happens. Hope all is well with everyone else.
Al is doing much better, matter-of-fact, he MAY come home this week. Of course we will either Hospice or Home Health Care and at this point in time it is unclear which one it will be. It initally started out as Hospice, but the doctor at the Care Center wants AL's primary doc to sign the order. However, because of Medicrap Al can't see his primary doc until he is discharged from the Care Center. I feel like I am in a real Catch 22 here. I have an appointment with our primary doc tomorrow and I will talk to him about the best way to handle this. If he determines that Al doesn't need Hospice, all the better; I just want to make sure Al has the best of what he needs.
I haven't been doing too much lately. It has been too hot to do too much. Was 114 one day; and of course that was the day I had multiple appointments. I have discovered the inside of my car can get to 140 degrees...at least that is what it felt like. And parking in the shade in Arizona is almost impossible (cactus do not make shade trees!)
I decided while Al was not home I would clean out our closet. I didn't think it would take me 2 weeks, but it has. Because of my back, I work a little on the closet, then I rest, and then the process repeats. So far I have been able to do this without hurting my back too much. And not it is crunch time, I HAVE to finish the closet tomorrow. Golden Goose (local thrift shop) here I come.
I also want to paint a wall in our guest room, but I don't think that will be done before Al gets home. It is too hot to do anything out side...even at 6:00 in the morning it is in the high 80's and the other night at 10:0 p.m. it was still 92. I usually don't mind the heat and much prefer it over cold, but for some reason I am having issues with heat this year. Of course, our monsoons haven't really been great this year, a lot of humidity and very little rain.
Friends Dick and Lano were here for a few days last week...with their puppy Misty. Misty is Beau's great niece and is 8 mos old. She sure is cute, but, oh boy, is she ever full of energy. Wore me out just watching her. Beau, has become an old man and will growl at her. Or maybe he is trying to teach her manners, I don't know. All I know she is so cute and I really enjoy her. Schuster just ignores her for the most part...
More when more happens. Hope all is well with everyone else.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A month later
Yep...I haven't posted a blog in a month. This is because it has been too depressing for me to even think about posting a blog. Instead of trying to catch up, I will just insert my posts to the Caring Bridge web site that Jenn created for AL. Just so you know, Al is still in the "skilled nursing factility" ... a fancy name for a nursing home. He is doing better...but he is still in "that place" as I call it. I get instantly depressed when I go to see him.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 11:26 PM, MST
Okay...here we go. Al has not improved .. and unfortunately, medicrap guidelines say if he isn't doing 3 hrs of therapy a day he must be moved. And I guess I can see why. Al has NO DESIRE to do any of the therapy. He did walk down the hall yesterday, but that can't really qualify for 3 hrs of therapy. Everytime they get him up he says he has to get back in bed he is too tired to do anything. Docs can't find any reason for this. My thought? He is just giving up. I can't convince him to do therapy so he can come home. Usually this is his motivation, but not this time. Now he is to weak to do anything. Can't get him to eat much. Yesterday he ate none of his breakfast; third of his lunch and dinner. Need I say more? When asked if he is in pain he will say no, not really. He is still taking pain meds when needed, but he doesn't seem to remember if he has had them or not. And ugly, ole, Alzheimers is kicking in big time. And depression as well. I have been told they go hand in hand. Great!
He will be moved to a Skilled Nursing Facility in the near future. It will depend on which one they can get him into. Splendito is close by and a very good facility, but usually there is a waiting list. He has been on the list before and never made it--so we will see.
I have to say I am hating all of this, but knew at some point in time this would happen.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 8:48 PM, MST
Oh my, I NEVER expected the response on this site like I have gotten. Thank you all so very much for your love and support.
Mike (Al's oldest son) arrived today and I am so glad he is here. I didn't really realize how much a burden I was carrying by my self!
Al's condition is deteriorating. When Mike and I got to the hospital today he was sleeping, the nurse told us he hasn't been really awake all day. I think Mike termed it correctly, it seems as if he is not asleep, but just "checked out". Al acknowledged that Mike was there; but couldn't stay alert enough to carry on even a minimal a conversation with him. He isn't eating much at all, He ate part of his breakfast, none of his lunch and I fed him his dinner which he ate only a small portion. Nurse said she had to feed him his breakfast and he ate two bites of his lunch before he threw it up.
They were going to move him to a skilled nursing facility tomorrow, but that has been postponed for a day or so. Also they were going to give him the epidural shots in his back tomorrow for pain, but that has been postponed as well. Instead the hospital doctor has requested Al's neurologist to come in and has also requested an MRI and other tests. All of Al's body functions seem to be okay and all the tests on all major organs have been good as well. So the doctors are as stumped as I am on why he is like he is. I pray they get to the bottom of it soon. I asked the doctor today if it was possible that Al has just given up and his response was that at this moment Al doesn't have the mental capacity to do this, however, he possibly could have made this decision a few days ago and this is the result. Hopefully we will know more tomorrow.
Thursday, July 28, 2011 10:08 PM, MST
Al's condition continues to decline. Mike and I were at the hospital most of the day. Doctors have finally found out what is causing Al to be so sleepy and confused. He is in acute renal failure and has an acute (I hate this word) Unrinary Tract Infection. I won't go into the numbers and all the clinical details of renal failure, but it is bad. They moved Al from the rehab unit to the Telementery ward today. I had to ask what the Telementery ward was; it is for critically ill patients who need to be monitored closely. They have started an IV with antibiotics to hopefully get the UTI under control and pump fluids into him to hopefully reverse some of the kidney failure. However, his kidneys have been at 20% for over a year. His Nephrologist (Kidney doc) hasn't given up yet, and says maybe Al will bounce back. His Neurologist (we saw the oligist brothers today!!) did an EEG to measure his brain wave function today and as expected it revealed the brain waves were slow, from the renal failure. Hope this makes sense to you.
Al was a little more alert today and talked a bit more. He still isn't eating much, I fed him lunch and dinner and he ate about 1/8th of both. And I can't get him to drink much water either.
Friday, July 29, 2011 9:43 PM, MST
A much better day today. Al has improved! The antibiotics have kicked in and his numbers are much better...not great, but much better. Creatinine is down to 3.2; BUN is down to 59 and white blood cells are at 12.8. So maybe we are on the road to recovery. His kidney doctor was very encouraged today of the better numbers and said he has a chance for his kidneys to perhaps go back to at least 20% function. However, Al is a long way from being out of the woods. He is eating a little bit, so that has encouraged us. Prayers are so powerful! Thank you all again. I can't say how much your prayers and messages mean to the family and I.
Al is still "out of it" for the most part. No strong pain killers for him either. However, the kidney failure will cause mental confusion. He does know people now though, so that is a step forward. He will remain in acute care for a while; then will be moved to skilled nursing facility when the time is right. He has to be much better before he can be moved.
Mike will be here until Sunday and I can't say how good it has been for me to have him here. What a great son and person he is. He has helped me through all of this with his calm, sensible way. What a blessing for me.
Saturday. July 30
Al is getting stronger every day. Praise the Lord!!! He could actually stand for a minute on his own today. That is huge progress. However, he still isn't eating very much & still on IV. His creatinine is down to 2.2 and his BUN is 44 and white cell count is 8, which is normal.
Of course today he is 4 of the 7 dwarfs---sleepy, grumpy, dopey & doc!! He is mad at me because I won't take him home or to the motel!?!? So confusion is still here, however the docs said it would be the last to leave.
Al is smiling some which does my heart good.
Mike is so good & patient with his dad. I am sad to see Mike leave tomorrow, but ever so thankful for him being here
Sunday, July 31, 2011 10:19 PM, MST
UGH! A roller coaster of emotions day for me. I took Mike to the airport this morning...I was so thankful to have him here and sad to see him go home. He was such a huge help to me and Dad.
I got back to the hospital around 1:00 p.m. Al was doing so well. His creatinine was back to normal as was all the other "numbers". His doctors came in around 2:00 p.m. and said they were going to release him to Skilled Nursing Facility!! OK...on the road to real progress and recovery. A few days ago I didn't think we would make it this far. Al is still confused; but not as bad as he has been. And the doctors said this will take a while to clear up. AND he walked up and down the hall this afternoon with the physical therapist!!!
I have seen him bounce back like this before, but I was surprised he did such a major turn around. Amazing what fluid and antibiotics can do. AND Al has lost 30 lbs in two weeks. Can't say I approve of his diet plan though. He is eating better, but didn't eat much of his dinner tonight.
So we were told that he would be going to LaCanada SNF. The one I really wanted him in was Splendido, but they had no beds. They were to transfer him in a few hours (Waiting on transportation). I headed home to feed dogs and cats, etc. While on my way home the case manager called and said Splendido just called and they had a bed and she was trying to snag the bed for Al, did we still want it? YES! A few minutes later she called and said Splendido REFUSED Al the bed....didn't know why, just said they didn't want him. REALLY??? Can they do this? Can they just pick and choose who they want??? I DON"T THINK SO....and I will be at Splendido in the morning to find out why!
So to La Canada SNF we went. By all standards it is okay; but a nursing home is a nursing home, no matter how fancy you make it sound. It was so hard to leave him there. I cried all the way home. He is in a very small room with another man who lives there permanently and will tell you that he is just waiting to die. UGH!
Al has barely enough room; he is shoved into a corner with a bed and a night stand. PERIOD. He needs a large bed and I requested one, but we will see if we get it. He isn't happy there either. It just about broke my heart to leave him there.
I can only hope he will get better quickly and get back into Rehab at the Oro Valley Hospital center.
I need a dislike button tonight.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 7:33 AM, MST
Al continues to get stronger. In Skilled Nursing they are less aggressive with the physical therapy; however, he is walking down the hall with assistance. Still not crazy about him being in Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) but it did look better in the light of day. He is still shoved into a corner of a small room; and his room mate will tell you over and over he wants to die. I did get a tour of the facility today and it is very nice and clean. I guess it is what it is.
Al was less confused yesterday, knew where he was and was more communicative. He is happy that I can bring the dogs in to see him; which I will do today. His numbers are still good and his blood sugar is excellent. He is eating; just not very much. He finally did eat a nectarine that I brought him a few days ago and asked for another one. The facility has an ice cream social everyday at 1:30-2:00 and he enjoyed that yesterday. There are plenty of activities for him to participate in if he chooses to; and I hope he does some of them, however, I have my doubts.
If you would have told any of us that saw him this time last week that he would be in a SNF in a week we would have argued with you. All of us are still amazed at the turn around (even the doctors); just shows you the power of prayer. Thank you all again for all of your prayers, love and support. Without them I doubt we would be where we are today.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 10:07 PM, MST
I could only visit with Al for an hour today....he was too busy going to different therapies! He had physical therapy; occupational therapy and group therapy. He seemed to be okay with going to all of them. And instead of having his dinner brought to his room he went to the dining room tonight for dinner. Progress!
He is still a bit confused; yesterday he asked me if I had milked the cows that morning!! Uh, yes??? Then today he wanted to know what hotel I was staying in. When I told him I was staying at home he couldn't figure out where home was. Then I figured out he didn't know he was in Tucson. After I told him we were in Tucson he understood why I was staying at home. The doctors said it would take some time for the confusion to leave; however, I think Al is doing much better than expected.
I had a chat with the social worker assigned to Al's case today. She estimated that he would be in SNF for at least 2 more weeks; then probably he would be transferred to Oro Valley Hospital Rehab for more PT/OT. All depends on how he does. I think I got him to understand the more he did for himself the quicker he would get out of the SNF and on the way to coming home.
Friday, August 5, 2011 6:53 PM, MST
Al continues to get stronger every day. Jennifer arrived yesterday & that made him happy.
We visited him today & he went to the dining room for lunch. We are taking
him dinner tonight. he is going to PT & doing well. He still remains somewhat confused but that is also getting better. Praise the Lord!,!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 4:21 PM, MST
I just got home from a meeting with all of Al's therapists & nurses. His progress is average; still not wanting to do the more aggressive therapies, however they say that due to his back pain that is normal. They are encouraging him to get out of his room more, he tends to just stay in his room when not at therapy. Also encouraging him to go to the dining room instead of having a tray brought to his room. I solved that problem by switching him to dining room only service. They will make him go to the dining room for meals. This way he will have to get out of his room at least 3 times a day. Having said that, I had lunch with him today & it was pretty disgusting!! The salad was good..... :-/
They estimate he will be in the nursing home at least 2-3 more weeks. I am calling his doctor to see if he can give Al the shots in his back for pain. They highly recommend it.
His attitude could use at little boost. He doesn't want to participate in anything & he is pretty grumpy. Of course I can see why...I would be as well given the circumstances!! That place depresses me. Don't get me wrong, it is a nice, clean, well run & maintained facility --- but it is still a nursing home. I see all these people that once, I assume, led active, productive lives and now are dependent, in some cases, for everything, on someone else. UGH!! So sad. They asked me today if I would be interested in volunteering there and I had to turn them down. Just couldn't do it right now. Maybe someday, but not now.
Aug 17
Tomorrow Al will go in for the epidural shots. I am praying that they will help him. He has been good about doing the therapy this week and he is getting out of bed and out of the room more, which is good. I took him to the cardiologist yesterday and that trip wore him out. I have arranged for transportation for him tomorrow from the SNF to Oro Valley Hospital where the procedure will be done. I didn't want to take a chance on me taking him and then him not being able to sit or walk after the procedure. They say that rarely happens, but with my luck I didn't want to take the chance.
Check out http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/alfredwraspir for the latest and greatest on Al.
I am doing okay, trying to keep my back from doing me in. Had pilates today and feel good right now, but I know not to over do it. HAHAHA
So after reading the LONG blog, I hope my next one will be sooner and shorter.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 11:26 PM, MST
Okay...here we go. Al has not improved .. and unfortunately, medicrap guidelines say if he isn't doing 3 hrs of therapy a day he must be moved. And I guess I can see why. Al has NO DESIRE to do any of the therapy. He did walk down the hall yesterday, but that can't really qualify for 3 hrs of therapy. Everytime they get him up he says he has to get back in bed he is too tired to do anything. Docs can't find any reason for this. My thought? He is just giving up. I can't convince him to do therapy so he can come home. Usually this is his motivation, but not this time. Now he is to weak to do anything. Can't get him to eat much. Yesterday he ate none of his breakfast; third of his lunch and dinner. Need I say more? When asked if he is in pain he will say no, not really. He is still taking pain meds when needed, but he doesn't seem to remember if he has had them or not. And ugly, ole, Alzheimers is kicking in big time. And depression as well. I have been told they go hand in hand. Great!
He will be moved to a Skilled Nursing Facility in the near future. It will depend on which one they can get him into. Splendito is close by and a very good facility, but usually there is a waiting list. He has been on the list before and never made it--so we will see.
I have to say I am hating all of this, but knew at some point in time this would happen.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 8:48 PM, MST
Oh my, I NEVER expected the response on this site like I have gotten. Thank you all so very much for your love and support.
Mike (Al's oldest son) arrived today and I am so glad he is here. I didn't really realize how much a burden I was carrying by my self!
Al's condition is deteriorating. When Mike and I got to the hospital today he was sleeping, the nurse told us he hasn't been really awake all day. I think Mike termed it correctly, it seems as if he is not asleep, but just "checked out". Al acknowledged that Mike was there; but couldn't stay alert enough to carry on even a minimal a conversation with him. He isn't eating much at all, He ate part of his breakfast, none of his lunch and I fed him his dinner which he ate only a small portion. Nurse said she had to feed him his breakfast and he ate two bites of his lunch before he threw it up.
They were going to move him to a skilled nursing facility tomorrow, but that has been postponed for a day or so. Also they were going to give him the epidural shots in his back tomorrow for pain, but that has been postponed as well. Instead the hospital doctor has requested Al's neurologist to come in and has also requested an MRI and other tests. All of Al's body functions seem to be okay and all the tests on all major organs have been good as well. So the doctors are as stumped as I am on why he is like he is. I pray they get to the bottom of it soon. I asked the doctor today if it was possible that Al has just given up and his response was that at this moment Al doesn't have the mental capacity to do this, however, he possibly could have made this decision a few days ago and this is the result. Hopefully we will know more tomorrow.
Thursday, July 28, 2011 10:08 PM, MST
Al's condition continues to decline. Mike and I were at the hospital most of the day. Doctors have finally found out what is causing Al to be so sleepy and confused. He is in acute renal failure and has an acute (I hate this word) Unrinary Tract Infection. I won't go into the numbers and all the clinical details of renal failure, but it is bad. They moved Al from the rehab unit to the Telementery ward today. I had to ask what the Telementery ward was; it is for critically ill patients who need to be monitored closely. They have started an IV with antibiotics to hopefully get the UTI under control and pump fluids into him to hopefully reverse some of the kidney failure. However, his kidneys have been at 20% for over a year. His Nephrologist (Kidney doc) hasn't given up yet, and says maybe Al will bounce back. His Neurologist (we saw the oligist brothers today!!) did an EEG to measure his brain wave function today and as expected it revealed the brain waves were slow, from the renal failure. Hope this makes sense to you.
Al was a little more alert today and talked a bit more. He still isn't eating much, I fed him lunch and dinner and he ate about 1/8th of both. And I can't get him to drink much water either.
Friday, July 29, 2011 9:43 PM, MST
A much better day today. Al has improved! The antibiotics have kicked in and his numbers are much better...not great, but much better. Creatinine is down to 3.2; BUN is down to 59 and white blood cells are at 12.8. So maybe we are on the road to recovery. His kidney doctor was very encouraged today of the better numbers and said he has a chance for his kidneys to perhaps go back to at least 20% function. However, Al is a long way from being out of the woods. He is eating a little bit, so that has encouraged us. Prayers are so powerful! Thank you all again. I can't say how much your prayers and messages mean to the family and I.
Al is still "out of it" for the most part. No strong pain killers for him either. However, the kidney failure will cause mental confusion. He does know people now though, so that is a step forward. He will remain in acute care for a while; then will be moved to skilled nursing facility when the time is right. He has to be much better before he can be moved.
Mike will be here until Sunday and I can't say how good it has been for me to have him here. What a great son and person he is. He has helped me through all of this with his calm, sensible way. What a blessing for me.
Saturday. July 30
Al is getting stronger every day. Praise the Lord!!! He could actually stand for a minute on his own today. That is huge progress. However, he still isn't eating very much & still on IV. His creatinine is down to 2.2 and his BUN is 44 and white cell count is 8, which is normal.
Of course today he is 4 of the 7 dwarfs---sleepy, grumpy, dopey & doc!! He is mad at me because I won't take him home or to the motel!?!? So confusion is still here, however the docs said it would be the last to leave.
Al is smiling some which does my heart good.
Mike is so good & patient with his dad. I am sad to see Mike leave tomorrow, but ever so thankful for him being here
Sunday, July 31, 2011 10:19 PM, MST
UGH! A roller coaster of emotions day for me. I took Mike to the airport this morning...I was so thankful to have him here and sad to see him go home. He was such a huge help to me and Dad.
I got back to the hospital around 1:00 p.m. Al was doing so well. His creatinine was back to normal as was all the other "numbers". His doctors came in around 2:00 p.m. and said they were going to release him to Skilled Nursing Facility!! OK...on the road to real progress and recovery. A few days ago I didn't think we would make it this far. Al is still confused; but not as bad as he has been. And the doctors said this will take a while to clear up. AND he walked up and down the hall this afternoon with the physical therapist!!!
I have seen him bounce back like this before, but I was surprised he did such a major turn around. Amazing what fluid and antibiotics can do. AND Al has lost 30 lbs in two weeks. Can't say I approve of his diet plan though. He is eating better, but didn't eat much of his dinner tonight.
So we were told that he would be going to LaCanada SNF. The one I really wanted him in was Splendido, but they had no beds. They were to transfer him in a few hours (Waiting on transportation). I headed home to feed dogs and cats, etc. While on my way home the case manager called and said Splendido just called and they had a bed and she was trying to snag the bed for Al, did we still want it? YES! A few minutes later she called and said Splendido REFUSED Al the bed....didn't know why, just said they didn't want him. REALLY??? Can they do this? Can they just pick and choose who they want??? I DON"T THINK SO....and I will be at Splendido in the morning to find out why!
So to La Canada SNF we went. By all standards it is okay; but a nursing home is a nursing home, no matter how fancy you make it sound. It was so hard to leave him there. I cried all the way home. He is in a very small room with another man who lives there permanently and will tell you that he is just waiting to die. UGH!
Al has barely enough room; he is shoved into a corner with a bed and a night stand. PERIOD. He needs a large bed and I requested one, but we will see if we get it. He isn't happy there either. It just about broke my heart to leave him there.
I can only hope he will get better quickly and get back into Rehab at the Oro Valley Hospital center.
I need a dislike button tonight.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 7:33 AM, MST
Al continues to get stronger. In Skilled Nursing they are less aggressive with the physical therapy; however, he is walking down the hall with assistance. Still not crazy about him being in Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) but it did look better in the light of day. He is still shoved into a corner of a small room; and his room mate will tell you over and over he wants to die. I did get a tour of the facility today and it is very nice and clean. I guess it is what it is.
Al was less confused yesterday, knew where he was and was more communicative. He is happy that I can bring the dogs in to see him; which I will do today. His numbers are still good and his blood sugar is excellent. He is eating; just not very much. He finally did eat a nectarine that I brought him a few days ago and asked for another one. The facility has an ice cream social everyday at 1:30-2:00 and he enjoyed that yesterday. There are plenty of activities for him to participate in if he chooses to; and I hope he does some of them, however, I have my doubts.
If you would have told any of us that saw him this time last week that he would be in a SNF in a week we would have argued with you. All of us are still amazed at the turn around (even the doctors); just shows you the power of prayer. Thank you all again for all of your prayers, love and support. Without them I doubt we would be where we are today.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 10:07 PM, MST
I could only visit with Al for an hour today....he was too busy going to different therapies! He had physical therapy; occupational therapy and group therapy. He seemed to be okay with going to all of them. And instead of having his dinner brought to his room he went to the dining room tonight for dinner. Progress!
He is still a bit confused; yesterday he asked me if I had milked the cows that morning!! Uh, yes??? Then today he wanted to know what hotel I was staying in. When I told him I was staying at home he couldn't figure out where home was. Then I figured out he didn't know he was in Tucson. After I told him we were in Tucson he understood why I was staying at home. The doctors said it would take some time for the confusion to leave; however, I think Al is doing much better than expected.
I had a chat with the social worker assigned to Al's case today. She estimated that he would be in SNF for at least 2 more weeks; then probably he would be transferred to Oro Valley Hospital Rehab for more PT/OT. All depends on how he does. I think I got him to understand the more he did for himself the quicker he would get out of the SNF and on the way to coming home.
Friday, August 5, 2011 6:53 PM, MST
Al continues to get stronger every day. Jennifer arrived yesterday & that made him happy.
We visited him today & he went to the dining room for lunch. We are taking
him dinner tonight. he is going to PT & doing well. He still remains somewhat confused but that is also getting better. Praise the Lord!,!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 4:21 PM, MST
I just got home from a meeting with all of Al's therapists & nurses. His progress is average; still not wanting to do the more aggressive therapies, however they say that due to his back pain that is normal. They are encouraging him to get out of his room more, he tends to just stay in his room when not at therapy. Also encouraging him to go to the dining room instead of having a tray brought to his room. I solved that problem by switching him to dining room only service. They will make him go to the dining room for meals. This way he will have to get out of his room at least 3 times a day. Having said that, I had lunch with him today & it was pretty disgusting!! The salad was good..... :-/
They estimate he will be in the nursing home at least 2-3 more weeks. I am calling his doctor to see if he can give Al the shots in his back for pain. They highly recommend it.
His attitude could use at little boost. He doesn't want to participate in anything & he is pretty grumpy. Of course I can see why...I would be as well given the circumstances!! That place depresses me. Don't get me wrong, it is a nice, clean, well run & maintained facility --- but it is still a nursing home. I see all these people that once, I assume, led active, productive lives and now are dependent, in some cases, for everything, on someone else. UGH!! So sad. They asked me today if I would be interested in volunteering there and I had to turn them down. Just couldn't do it right now. Maybe someday, but not now.
Aug 17
Tomorrow Al will go in for the epidural shots. I am praying that they will help him. He has been good about doing the therapy this week and he is getting out of bed and out of the room more, which is good. I took him to the cardiologist yesterday and that trip wore him out. I have arranged for transportation for him tomorrow from the SNF to Oro Valley Hospital where the procedure will be done. I didn't want to take a chance on me taking him and then him not being able to sit or walk after the procedure. They say that rarely happens, but with my luck I didn't want to take the chance.
Check out http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/alfredwraspir for the latest and greatest on Al.
I am doing okay, trying to keep my back from doing me in. Had pilates today and feel good right now, but I know not to over do it. HAHAHA
So after reading the LONG blog, I hope my next one will be sooner and shorter.
Monday, July 18, 2011
BACK in the hospital again
July 18
Al has been complaining, whining, screaming in agaony about his back. Poor guy really has been suffering. Xrays showed nothing more that arthritis. HOWEVER, yesterday morning he couldn't get out of bed and I couldn't get him out of bed! So I called 911. My favorite fire department EMT's showed up (they have been here several times in the past couple of years) and off we went to the hospital.
ER doc immediately gave him a strong dose of Dilaudid, which is morphine. Finally, AL is out of pain. Then off to have an MRI and it showed not only arthritis, but spinal stenosis AND a compression fracture at Lumbar 3!!! Holy Smokes, no wonder he was in so much pain! So, he is in the hospital awaiting the back doctor to come in and see what our options are. He is resting comfortably now and getting some sleep. AND I finally got some sleep last night as well. I will keep you posted as we go.
Al has been complaining, whining, screaming in agaony about his back. Poor guy really has been suffering. Xrays showed nothing more that arthritis. HOWEVER, yesterday morning he couldn't get out of bed and I couldn't get him out of bed! So I called 911. My favorite fire department EMT's showed up (they have been here several times in the past couple of years) and off we went to the hospital.
ER doc immediately gave him a strong dose of Dilaudid, which is morphine. Finally, AL is out of pain. Then off to have an MRI and it showed not only arthritis, but spinal stenosis AND a compression fracture at Lumbar 3!!! Holy Smokes, no wonder he was in so much pain! So, he is in the hospital awaiting the back doctor to come in and see what our options are. He is resting comfortably now and getting some sleep. AND I finally got some sleep last night as well. I will keep you posted as we go.
Ah, it feels so good to be home. It always is fun (?) to travel but it is always good to get home. And our cats let us know that we were gone a total of 40 days! I cannot get out of their sight. And I can't get my pillow back at night either...but that's another story for another day!
We left Odessa planning on heading home; however, we got to the main road where I was to turn right and head to Tucson I looked at Al and said "Montana?" to which he said YES! So I turned left and off we went! We spent two days in Noxon, got some minor repairs done on the trailer and visited with Gordon and Denise and Charles; Lou and Chris and Mike and Louise. The weather was perfect with the exception of the 40, 000 mosquito's that thought I was a buffet!
We left Noxon on July 7 and this time we really were heading home. We decided to go to Butte, MT and catch I-15 south home. First of all, what a beautiful drive from Noxon to Butte. We followed the Clark Fork river for 3 days...just as soon as I would say, well, we haven't seen the Clark Fork, we would be crossing it! We spent one night in Deer Lodge, MT right on the banks of a very high Clark Fork River, and the rest of the mosquito's that hadn't had dinner!!!
The next day (July 8)we went through Dillon, MT and it was lunch time and of course our stomachs were sounding off. We were about ready to settle for a McDonalds (not my favorite) when we stumbled across "Sparky's Diner"...we had the best BBQ Brisket sandwich we have ever had. Spent that night in Pocatello, ID...lovely little town.
July 9 (Happy Birthday SIS) Next big hurdle was to get through Salt Lake City and all the construction around it. I-15 is a mess!!! Construction everywhere. But it was the worse right south of Salt Lake City. I found my self driving this huge beast in very narrow lanes, up against a concrete barrier. Didn't matter which of the two lanes I was in, there was a concrete barrier next to me. UGH! Nerve racking to say the least but at least we were better off than the traffic going north, we measured a 37 mile back up! No thanks! That night found us in one of our favorite KOA's, Fillmore UT. We have stayed there several times and enjoyed it each time and this time it was no different. The camp owner guided me into a nice spot; then the gentleman parked behind us came over and hooked up our water, electric and sewer while I was getting Al settled. That was so nice of him. And by that time I needed some relief.
Next morning (July 10) we are off again, planning on heading down Hwy 89 to Kanab, UT and Page, AZ. I was dreading going down the grade in Page, but figured the truck and I could do it. But then, the camp owner had said they were expecting heavy rain all along Hwy 89 that day. I decided that I would make the decision when I got to the turn off for 89. Well, let's just say, we continued on down I-15 into Las Vegas. The weather looked really mean to the east when we were to turn off. We did have a huge monsoon storm hit us near Mesquite, NV...not fun to drive in. Spent the night in a warm Las Vegas, at Sam's Town RV Park, which is basically just a large parking lot. Doesn't even have a shuttle to the casino!! But that was okay with us because we weren't interested in going.
By now, we can see the end of the trip....July 11, and we are getting closer to home. Over the new bridge over Hoover Dam, which, you don't even know you are going over, and down the road we went. Woo Hoo, we are in Arizona. Truck running great; dogs and Al sleeping off and on (mostly on) and me driving with my music on. We encountered quite a monsoon rain just out of Flagstaff, high winds and all. But I persisted and we finally stopped at another of our favorite RV parks (when you travel this route as much as we have, you tend to have favorites) Distant Drums RV Park in Camp Verde, AZ. They offer a shuttle to the casino, so that night I dug my heels in and said I wasn't cooking! Over to the casino we went for a good dinner.
July 12 and home around 3:00 p.m. Hot drive today and I had to slow down a bit at times, but we made it. Glad to be home safe and sound. I am very tired, but there is still a lot of work to do. Truck and trailer are parked in front of the house and I am unloading it little by little (more like when I need something!) and it may not be parked in its place for a while. It is hooked up to electric and the a/c is running so the trailer will be fine. I am going to take my kids and friends advice and unload it slowly. I am too tired to do any different.
Al's back has been bothering him and we went to see the doc the day after we got home...arthritis has set in and there really isn't much to do for him but give him a pain pill when needed. He can't sleep at night in bed, so he has found his recliner to be his new bed for now. So I get the bed, 2 dogs and 2 cats all to myself. Me thinks I should go sleep in my recliner!!!!
So for now we are home and happy to be here. More later...
Ah, it feels so good to be home. It always is fun (?) to travel but it is always good to get home. And our cats let us know that we were gone a total of 40 days! I cannot get out of their sight. And I can't get my pillow back at night either...but that's another story for another day!
We left Odessa planning on heading home; however, we got to the main road where I was to turn right and head to Tucson I looked at Al and said "Montana?" to which he said YES! So I turned left and off we went! We spent two days in Noxon, got some minor repairs done on the trailer and visited with Gordon and Denise and Charles; Lou and Chris and Mike and Louise. The weather was perfect with the exception of the 40, 000 mosquito's that thought I was a buffet!
We left Noxon on July 7 and this time we really were heading home. We decided to go to Butte, MT and catch I-15 south home. First of all, what a beautiful drive from Noxon to Butte. We followed the Clark Fork river for 3 days...just as soon as I would say, well, we haven't seen the Clark Fork, we would be crossing it! We spent one night in Deer Lodge, MT right on the banks of a very high Clark Fork River, and the rest of the mosquito's that hadn't had dinner!!!
The next day (July 8)we went through Dillon, MT and it was lunch time and of course our stomachs were sounding off. We were about ready to settle for a McDonalds (not my favorite) when we stumbled across "Sparky's Diner"...we had the best BBQ Brisket sandwich we have ever had. Spent that night in Pocatello, ID...lovely little town.
July 9 (Happy Birthday SIS) Next big hurdle was to get through Salt Lake City and all the construction around it. I-15 is a mess!!! Construction everywhere. But it was the worse right south of Salt Lake City. I found my self driving this huge beast in very narrow lanes, up against a concrete barrier. Didn't matter which of the two lanes I was in, there was a concrete barrier next to me. UGH! Nerve racking to say the least but at least we were better off than the traffic going north, we measured a 37 mile back up! No thanks! That night found us in one of our favorite KOA's, Fillmore UT. We have stayed there several times and enjoyed it each time and this time it was no different. The camp owner guided me into a nice spot; then the gentleman parked behind us came over and hooked up our water, electric and sewer while I was getting Al settled. That was so nice of him. And by that time I needed some relief.
Next morning (July 10) we are off again, planning on heading down Hwy 89 to Kanab, UT and Page, AZ. I was dreading going down the grade in Page, but figured the truck and I could do it. But then, the camp owner had said they were expecting heavy rain all along Hwy 89 that day. I decided that I would make the decision when I got to the turn off for 89. Well, let's just say, we continued on down I-15 into Las Vegas. The weather looked really mean to the east when we were to turn off. We did have a huge monsoon storm hit us near Mesquite, NV...not fun to drive in. Spent the night in a warm Las Vegas, at Sam's Town RV Park, which is basically just a large parking lot. Doesn't even have a shuttle to the casino!! But that was okay with us because we weren't interested in going.
By now, we can see the end of the trip....July 11, and we are getting closer to home. Over the new bridge over Hoover Dam, which, you don't even know you are going over, and down the road we went. Woo Hoo, we are in Arizona. Truck running great; dogs and Al sleeping off and on (mostly on) and me driving with my music on. We encountered quite a monsoon rain just out of Flagstaff, high winds and all. But I persisted and we finally stopped at another of our favorite RV parks (when you travel this route as much as we have, you tend to have favorites) Distant Drums RV Park in Camp Verde, AZ. They offer a shuttle to the casino, so that night I dug my heels in and said I wasn't cooking! Over to the casino we went for a good dinner.
July 12 and home around 3:00 p.m. Hot drive today and I had to slow down a bit at times, but we made it. Glad to be home safe and sound. I am very tired, but there is still a lot of work to do. Truck and trailer are parked in front of the house and I am unloading it little by little (more like when I need something!) and it may not be parked in its place for a while. It is hooked up to electric and the a/c is running so the trailer will be fine. I am going to take my kids and friends advice and unload it slowly. I am too tired to do any different.
Al's back has been bothering him and we went to see the doc the day after we got home...arthritis has set in and there really isn't much to do for him but give him a pain pill when needed. He can't sleep at night in bed, so he has found his recliner to be his new bed for now. So I get the bed, 2 dogs and 2 cats all to myself. Me thinks I should go sleep in my recliner!!!!
So for now we are home and happy to be here. More later...
Monday, July 04, 2011
Small town USA and the 4th of July
July 4 -- Odessa, WA
Odessa, small town USA...never fails to impress me how they celebrate the 4th of July. The only "official" celebration is at noon at the town park where the Fire Department holds a BBQ. However, sometime around dusk the "unofficial" celebration begins. Fireworks to rival the best fireworks shows I have ever seen! Every time I see them it truly amazes me! It is 10:45 p.m. now and it is still going on. For at least 2 hours we are treated to amazing fireworks...some legal, some not. All the same, it is a great show.
Tomorrow we are on the road again. The truck is hooked to the trailer, trailer is pretty much packed and ready to roll. Now it is all up to me to get us home. We were going to go to Montana to visit Gordon and Denise; then to Colorado to see my cousin and brother. However, since my back is really bothering me, we are heading home. Hated to have to cut the trip short, but I just don't think it would be wise to do more driving than necessary. However, after saying that, we may make a left turn and head up to Noxon, MT for a day or two tomorrow...it will depend on how I feel at the time.
We have been busy while we were here. We got to see a lot of Al's cousins...had dinner with Neil, Bobbi and Harley one night. Too short of a visit, but at least we got to see them. Yesterday we went to see Myrna and Arley Bishoff, had a short but nice visit with them. Love them all so much. Today niece Claudia and her husband Larry; niece Denice; nephew Todd (where we have our trailer parked, our old house) and wife Vickie, and Alyssa and Austin were all together for a bbq rib dinner. Todd has learned from Al how to bbq ribs and they were great. Unfortunately, Al is having a hard time getting around, but did enjoy most of the day with everyone. We have got to visit some with Al's sister Joyce and her husband Bud, but unfortunately she has been sick part of the time we were here so it limited our time with them.
I will miss Alyssa and Austin...Alyssa is 8 and Austin is 6 and they sure are good kids. Austin is all boy and Alyssa is all girl. Alyssa has been my shadow the entire time we have been here.
We did go to Spokane last week to see sister in law, Gloria and took her to lunch; then went to Gary and Jeannettes for dinner. We also went to Ephrata last week and had lunch with Denice and took Simon (the other big black poodle who belongs to son Jerry) in to be groomed. So we have kept as busy as we want to be.
So the next time you hear from us, who knows where we will be!! On the road again, ........
Odessa, small town USA...never fails to impress me how they celebrate the 4th of July. The only "official" celebration is at noon at the town park where the Fire Department holds a BBQ. However, sometime around dusk the "unofficial" celebration begins. Fireworks to rival the best fireworks shows I have ever seen! Every time I see them it truly amazes me! It is 10:45 p.m. now and it is still going on. For at least 2 hours we are treated to amazing fireworks...some legal, some not. All the same, it is a great show.
Tomorrow we are on the road again. The truck is hooked to the trailer, trailer is pretty much packed and ready to roll. Now it is all up to me to get us home. We were going to go to Montana to visit Gordon and Denise; then to Colorado to see my cousin and brother. However, since my back is really bothering me, we are heading home. Hated to have to cut the trip short, but I just don't think it would be wise to do more driving than necessary. However, after saying that, we may make a left turn and head up to Noxon, MT for a day or two tomorrow...it will depend on how I feel at the time.
We have been busy while we were here. We got to see a lot of Al's cousins...had dinner with Neil, Bobbi and Harley one night. Too short of a visit, but at least we got to see them. Yesterday we went to see Myrna and Arley Bishoff, had a short but nice visit with them. Love them all so much. Today niece Claudia and her husband Larry; niece Denice; nephew Todd (where we have our trailer parked, our old house) and wife Vickie, and Alyssa and Austin were all together for a bbq rib dinner. Todd has learned from Al how to bbq ribs and they were great. Unfortunately, Al is having a hard time getting around, but did enjoy most of the day with everyone. We have got to visit some with Al's sister Joyce and her husband Bud, but unfortunately she has been sick part of the time we were here so it limited our time with them.
I will miss Alyssa and Austin...Alyssa is 8 and Austin is 6 and they sure are good kids. Austin is all boy and Alyssa is all girl. Alyssa has been my shadow the entire time we have been here.
We did go to Spokane last week to see sister in law, Gloria and took her to lunch; then went to Gary and Jeannettes for dinner. We also went to Ephrata last week and had lunch with Denice and took Simon (the other big black poodle who belongs to son Jerry) in to be groomed. So we have kept as busy as we want to be.
So the next time you hear from us, who knows where we will be!! On the road again, ........
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Happy Birthday Lori...you are 18!
And to my youngest grandchild...Lori...Happy Birthday Sweetheart...you are already 18. Once again I blinked and you grew up!

Lori, here is kiss to you...so you can wipe it off your cheek and say "ick". This was a game we played from when she was very young...at least I think it was a game, regardless, I kissed her anyway!

Lori was born in California, but she and her parents moved to Portland, OR when she was a little over a year old. She was an early bloomer...walking at just 7 mos old. And let me tell you, she hasn't let any grass grow under her feet since! And she definitely has a bit of me in her....very independent, sometimes to her parents dismay! However, after saying that, she is a very thoughtful young lady and very focused.

She knew one speed growing up and it was fast. I can remember her riding her bike as fast as her little legs would pedal...and she didn't know how to brake...just run into something, fall, get up and do it all over again. I can't tell you how many times she scared the daylights out of me.
Then she found horses. We sent her to horse camp in 2002...and the love with horses still continues today. She is an excellent rider, has competed in Rodeo's, and trains horses as well. She loves all animals and if her parents would let her she would have a gazillion animals. She has raised lambs, llamas, alpaca's, rabbits, chickens, horses, and dogs.

Lori, here is kiss to you...so you can wipe it off your cheek and say "ick". This was a game we played from when she was very young...at least I think it was a game, regardless, I kissed her anyway!

Lori was born in California, but she and her parents moved to Portland, OR when she was a little over a year old. She was an early bloomer...walking at just 7 mos old. And let me tell you, she hasn't let any grass grow under her feet since! And she definitely has a bit of me in her....very independent, sometimes to her parents dismay! However, after saying that, she is a very thoughtful young lady and very focused.

She knew one speed growing up and it was fast. I can remember her riding her bike as fast as her little legs would pedal...and she didn't know how to brake...just run into something, fall, get up and do it all over again. I can't tell you how many times she scared the daylights out of me.
Then she found horses. We sent her to horse camp in 2002...and the love with horses still continues today. She is an excellent rider, has competed in Rodeo's, and trains horses as well. She loves all animals and if her parents would let her she would have a gazillion animals. She has raised lambs, llamas, alpaca's, rabbits, chickens, horses, and dogs.
Lori graduated from high school this year...and she is one smart young lady. Still isn't sure what she wants to be, so far it has ranged from being a vet, to a coroner, nurse, surgeon, etc. However, she has some interest in political science as well...so only time will tell.

Whatever she decides will be her life calling, she will be very good at it. That is just the kind of person she is. Happy 18th Birthday sweetheart....we love you.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Whoa....where did the time go?
Odessa, or Odessolet, Wa
Okay, so I promised myself I would blog at every stop of this trip. Hmmm..that didn't last long. The time has litterally flown by.
We are sitting in our 5th wheel in Odessa. I am still marveling at how we got here and how fast the time has gone. So lets start where I last left off...Portland.
We headed out of Portland on June 13 headed for Seattle. We had a nice, slow drive up, it must have been uneventful because I don't remember much of it! After unloading the car at Jenn's (all 3 flights of stairs) I was done for the day.
The next day, Tuesday, Al had a dentist appointment in the afternoon. In the morning Jenn took me out to her friends house in the middle of nowhere Bothell, Woodinville, Carnation, for a massage. I WAIT to get to Seattle so Jackie can give me a massage. Ah...felt soooo good.
Wednesday was busy, for lunch we drove to North Bend to meet granddaughter Cammie and her friend Lorissa for lunch. Cammie and Lorissa are living in Cle Elum now and both are working for the summer. Cammie is planning on going back to school in the fall. She looked so good and seem to be really happy. Then that night we met good friends Bill and Lorie Lince for dinner at Cafe Purple in Kirkland for dinner. This restaurant was reviewed on the TV show "The best thing I ever ate" and I knew I had to try it. And it lived up to it's reputation...I have some wonderful lobster risotto...yum. I was so stuffed, but I had to try the coffee sundae as well...burp!
Thursday rolled around and it was back to the dentist for Al for 2 hour appointment. Sheech. I went over and visited Seattle daughter in law Janet while Al was in the dentist chair. I about froze to death...brrr...I definitely have Tucson blood now. That night neice Sherrie came over and we ordered in pizza.
Friday arrived and we had lunch with long time friends Frank and Lynn Conger at the Beachhouse Cafe in Kirkland (used to be the Foghorn for those of you who would remember it). We had a good, but way to short visit with them. Then that night Ric was panhandling for the Cure near Jenn's house. Now let me explain that one...Ric walks in the 3 day, 60 mile Walk for the Cure for breast cancer. He does his "panhandling" on freeway offramps...has a sandwich board that says "$$ for boob's not Booze". This night he made over $200 in donations. Pretty good for a couple hours work. Jenn and I hopped in the convertible and took a picture of him

Yes, this is our son.
Saturday dawned gray and raining (we are in Seattle). Jenn had a function to go to that morning so Al and I just rested. That afternoon we went to good friends Rowland and Kathy's house for dinner. As always we enjoyed our visit with them, but it was just too darn short. I don't want to move back to Seattle, but I sure do miss our friends.
Sunday was Father's Day and we went to Ric and Janets for dinner. Granddaughter Ashley was there as well as Janet's parents and Al's ex wife Marilyn. We had a good visit and Al enjoyed his day.
Monday Jenn, AL and I went to our favorite place for breakfast, Lil Jon's Cafe in Bellevue. It is just down the street from where we used to live and has been there for 47 years and hasn't changed. YUM. I spent the rest of the day packing. That evening Jenn, Sherrie, Al and I went to COHO Cafe for dinner...if you are even in the area, defintely try this place.
Tuesday Al had a 3 HOUR, yes, 3 hour dentist appointment. I dropped him off and came back to Jenn's to load the car. After his appointment we headed over the mountains to Odessa. But, we did stop in Cle Elum to have an early dinner with Cammie and Lorissa and to see their place. Very nice apartment, just right for someone with young legs...it is a 3 story place as well. We arrived in Odessa around 8:00 that night and I just crashed.
Wednesday we were up and at 'em; had to take the rental car back to Spokane to turn it in. It was a Chevy Traverse and boy I really did like it. I am not much of a GM fan, but I liked this one. Nephew Todd followed us in with our truck; then we hit Costco, Walmart, etc. for supplies. We also stopped and bought a new recliner for the 5th wheel as the old one was worn out. On our way home we stopped at Todd's parents house and his dad Larry told us of a Lift recliner that was for sale in Odessa. Yes, we bought it...it is perfect for Al and it is practically new. So now I have two new recliners.
The rest of the time in Odessa has been spent cleaning the 5th wheel. It was in storage all winter and was really dirty. My back has paid for this little cleaning spree....
Today was Al's high school all school reunion. His school was so small that they have reunion's every 3 years. There was a good turn out this year, however, as expected, there were 26 who have died in the last year! OUCH! It was bittersweet for us to be there without Bob. Didn't seem right.
Weather here has been different. Usually by this time it is pretty hot, but not this year. Everything is late this year as well. Harvest will definitely late.
We will be here until next Thursday, when we head north towards Noxon, Montana.
Al has been doing pretty good. He had a heck of time with all the stairs at Jenn's, but is finally getting his legs back now. The stairs into the trailer are steep but he seems to be navigating them okay. My back is doing okay, sore some days, worse others. But it is what it is.
Hopefully I will be back on track and blog more frequently now. So until then....
Okay, so I promised myself I would blog at every stop of this trip. Hmmm..that didn't last long. The time has litterally flown by.
We are sitting in our 5th wheel in Odessa. I am still marveling at how we got here and how fast the time has gone. So lets start where I last left off...Portland.
We headed out of Portland on June 13 headed for Seattle. We had a nice, slow drive up, it must have been uneventful because I don't remember much of it! After unloading the car at Jenn's (all 3 flights of stairs) I was done for the day.
The next day, Tuesday, Al had a dentist appointment in the afternoon. In the morning Jenn took me out to her friends house in the middle of nowhere Bothell, Woodinville, Carnation, for a massage. I WAIT to get to Seattle so Jackie can give me a massage. Ah...felt soooo good.
Wednesday was busy, for lunch we drove to North Bend to meet granddaughter Cammie and her friend Lorissa for lunch. Cammie and Lorissa are living in Cle Elum now and both are working for the summer. Cammie is planning on going back to school in the fall. She looked so good and seem to be really happy. Then that night we met good friends Bill and Lorie Lince for dinner at Cafe Purple in Kirkland for dinner. This restaurant was reviewed on the TV show "The best thing I ever ate" and I knew I had to try it. And it lived up to it's reputation...I have some wonderful lobster risotto...yum. I was so stuffed, but I had to try the coffee sundae as well...burp!
Thursday rolled around and it was back to the dentist for Al for 2 hour appointment. Sheech. I went over and visited Seattle daughter in law Janet while Al was in the dentist chair. I about froze to death...brrr...I definitely have Tucson blood now. That night neice Sherrie came over and we ordered in pizza.
Friday arrived and we had lunch with long time friends Frank and Lynn Conger at the Beachhouse Cafe in Kirkland (used to be the Foghorn for those of you who would remember it). We had a good, but way to short visit with them. Then that night Ric was panhandling for the Cure near Jenn's house. Now let me explain that one...Ric walks in the 3 day, 60 mile Walk for the Cure for breast cancer. He does his "panhandling" on freeway offramps...has a sandwich board that says "$$ for boob's not Booze". This night he made over $200 in donations. Pretty good for a couple hours work. Jenn and I hopped in the convertible and took a picture of him

Yes, this is our son.
Saturday dawned gray and raining (we are in Seattle). Jenn had a function to go to that morning so Al and I just rested. That afternoon we went to good friends Rowland and Kathy's house for dinner. As always we enjoyed our visit with them, but it was just too darn short. I don't want to move back to Seattle, but I sure do miss our friends.
Sunday was Father's Day and we went to Ric and Janets for dinner. Granddaughter Ashley was there as well as Janet's parents and Al's ex wife Marilyn. We had a good visit and Al enjoyed his day.
Monday Jenn, AL and I went to our favorite place for breakfast, Lil Jon's Cafe in Bellevue. It is just down the street from where we used to live and has been there for 47 years and hasn't changed. YUM. I spent the rest of the day packing. That evening Jenn, Sherrie, Al and I went to COHO Cafe for dinner...if you are even in the area, defintely try this place.
Tuesday Al had a 3 HOUR, yes, 3 hour dentist appointment. I dropped him off and came back to Jenn's to load the car. After his appointment we headed over the mountains to Odessa. But, we did stop in Cle Elum to have an early dinner with Cammie and Lorissa and to see their place. Very nice apartment, just right for someone with young legs...it is a 3 story place as well. We arrived in Odessa around 8:00 that night and I just crashed.
Wednesday we were up and at 'em; had to take the rental car back to Spokane to turn it in. It was a Chevy Traverse and boy I really did like it. I am not much of a GM fan, but I liked this one. Nephew Todd followed us in with our truck; then we hit Costco, Walmart, etc. for supplies. We also stopped and bought a new recliner for the 5th wheel as the old one was worn out. On our way home we stopped at Todd's parents house and his dad Larry told us of a Lift recliner that was for sale in Odessa. Yes, we bought it...it is perfect for Al and it is practically new. So now I have two new recliners.
The rest of the time in Odessa has been spent cleaning the 5th wheel. It was in storage all winter and was really dirty. My back has paid for this little cleaning spree....
Today was Al's high school all school reunion. His school was so small that they have reunion's every 3 years. There was a good turn out this year, however, as expected, there were 26 who have died in the last year! OUCH! It was bittersweet for us to be there without Bob. Didn't seem right.
Weather here has been different. Usually by this time it is pretty hot, but not this year. Everything is late this year as well. Harvest will definitely late.
We will be here until next Thursday, when we head north towards Noxon, Montana.
Al has been doing pretty good. He had a heck of time with all the stairs at Jenn's, but is finally getting his legs back now. The stairs into the trailer are steep but he seems to be navigating them okay. My back is doing okay, sore some days, worse others. But it is what it is.
Hopefully I will be back on track and blog more frequently now. So until then....
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Tonapah to Portland
Sunday June 12
We had a wonderful trip from Tonopah Nevada to Central Point, OR. We decided we wanted to go through Mt Lassen National Park so we detoured after Reno to take us through the park. Very beautiful drive. However, when we turned off to go through the park the roads were closed due to SNOW! We still had a pretty drive.
We arrived at my sister's house in Central Point on Monday afternoon. We really took our time and stopped often. Two of my nieces were there for dinner that night and we had a good visit. We layed pretty low the entire time we were there. We went out to my niece Kay and her husband Mark's house on Wednesday night for dinner. They have a beautiful home in Jacksonville.
Thursday morning we headed north to Portland, well, actually Canby at our daughter Melanie's house. Her and her husband Ron just bought a new house with acreage. Very nice house and grounds. They have 4 horses, chickens, ducks, and cats and dogs....oh, and did I mention our two grandchildren Victor and Lori???? Wheee..grandchildren.
Friday Victor graduated from Clackamas Community College with an AA in General Studies. For Vic this is a real accomplishment. He really had the determination to finish this. We are so proud of him.
Yesterday we had a slow day....just rested and had a nice dinner for the grads last night. I offered to take them out, but they both opted for steak at home.
Today Lori graduates from Oregon City High School. I can't believe ALL of my grandchildren are out of high school....sheesh...how did that happen? I am so proud of all of them, they are all upstanding citizens. Two with families; the rest doing what they want with their lives. We are so blessed.
We had a wonderful trip from Tonopah Nevada to Central Point, OR. We decided we wanted to go through Mt Lassen National Park so we detoured after Reno to take us through the park. Very beautiful drive. However, when we turned off to go through the park the roads were closed due to SNOW! We still had a pretty drive.
We arrived at my sister's house in Central Point on Monday afternoon. We really took our time and stopped often. Two of my nieces were there for dinner that night and we had a good visit. We layed pretty low the entire time we were there. We went out to my niece Kay and her husband Mark's house on Wednesday night for dinner. They have a beautiful home in Jacksonville.
Thursday morning we headed north to Portland, well, actually Canby at our daughter Melanie's house. Her and her husband Ron just bought a new house with acreage. Very nice house and grounds. They have 4 horses, chickens, ducks, and cats and dogs....oh, and did I mention our two grandchildren Victor and Lori???? Wheee..grandchildren.
Friday Victor graduated from Clackamas Community College with an AA in General Studies. For Vic this is a real accomplishment. He really had the determination to finish this. We are so proud of him.
Yesterday we had a slow day....just rested and had a nice dinner for the grads last night. I offered to take them out, but they both opted for steak at home.
Today Lori graduates from Oregon City High School. I can't believe ALL of my grandchildren are out of high school....sheesh...how did that happen? I am so proud of all of them, they are all upstanding citizens. Two with families; the rest doing what they want with their lives. We are so blessed.
Grandpa, Vic, Lori, Gramma
Melanie,Vic, Lori, Ron
Victor and Lori
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Tonopah, NV
We are wroamin' again! It's been a long time since I could say that. We are heading north for a few weeks...Oregon, Washington, Montana and Colorado are in our plans.
We left yesterday morning from Tucson; made it to Kingman Arizona before I gave up...was too tired to go any further. I wonder if the wind ever stops blowing in Kingman?
On the road by 9:00 a.m. today...anxious to go over the new bridge over Hoover Dam. I was planning on stopping to take pictures. We went over it and never knew it! It is called Kingman Canyon Bridge or something like that. Darn! We also got hit by a swarm of bugs/bee's this morning...sounded like hail hitting the car. The windshield was a mess of bug splatters. I stopped as soon as I could find a gas station to clean the windshield...that was a job...what an icky mess.
We spent over 2 hours in Pahrump, NV. We now own a lot in Pahrump; part of our rental house sale in Tucson. And I must admit it is a great lot; 1 1/2 acres and is surrounded by HUGE, expensive homes. However, just like everywhere else, there is no building going on in Pahrump. So we will just hang on to the lot. It has a great view of Mt. Charleston from the front of the lot and a mountain view (I don't know which mountains they are) from the back. Pahrump reminds me a lot of Lake Havasu City, AZ, only without the lake. We both really liked it. We then went to the Pahrump Valley Winery, which we have heard so much about from Gary and Jeannette. Great wine! We wound up buying a case of it and stuffing it in an already too crowded car! We had lunch at the restaurant at the winery and it was top notch.
After lunch we decided we should probably get back on the road...boring drive from Pahrump to here..not much to see. It is cool here, weather being very unusual for this time of year. It was 74 when we arrived and it is down to 60 now. BRRRRR
Dogs and Al are doing fine riding along. It is a lot of work for me on this trip...Al can do nothing so I have to not only drive, but lug suitcases in and out and put his walker in and out of the car; walk the dogs; etc. Hope my back holds out. So far, so good. I am doing my exercises faithfully!
Tomorrow we are headed to Reno; then to Northern California and through Lassen Park to I-5. Hope to be in Medford, OR by Monday afternoon.
We are driving a rental car and it is a dream to drive. It is a Chevy Traverse and I am really liking it. Once we get to Odessa, we will turn it in (in Spokane) and pickup our truck and 5th wheel and bring it back to Arizona.
So until then next post in a few days...we are Wroamin' again and it feels good.
We left yesterday morning from Tucson; made it to Kingman Arizona before I gave up...was too tired to go any further. I wonder if the wind ever stops blowing in Kingman?
On the road by 9:00 a.m. today...anxious to go over the new bridge over Hoover Dam. I was planning on stopping to take pictures. We went over it and never knew it! It is called Kingman Canyon Bridge or something like that. Darn! We also got hit by a swarm of bugs/bee's this morning...sounded like hail hitting the car. The windshield was a mess of bug splatters. I stopped as soon as I could find a gas station to clean the windshield...that was a job...what an icky mess.
We spent over 2 hours in Pahrump, NV. We now own a lot in Pahrump; part of our rental house sale in Tucson. And I must admit it is a great lot; 1 1/2 acres and is surrounded by HUGE, expensive homes. However, just like everywhere else, there is no building going on in Pahrump. So we will just hang on to the lot. It has a great view of Mt. Charleston from the front of the lot and a mountain view (I don't know which mountains they are) from the back. Pahrump reminds me a lot of Lake Havasu City, AZ, only without the lake. We both really liked it. We then went to the Pahrump Valley Winery, which we have heard so much about from Gary and Jeannette. Great wine! We wound up buying a case of it and stuffing it in an already too crowded car! We had lunch at the restaurant at the winery and it was top notch.
After lunch we decided we should probably get back on the road...boring drive from Pahrump to here..not much to see. It is cool here, weather being very unusual for this time of year. It was 74 when we arrived and it is down to 60 now. BRRRRR
Dogs and Al are doing fine riding along. It is a lot of work for me on this trip...Al can do nothing so I have to not only drive, but lug suitcases in and out and put his walker in and out of the car; walk the dogs; etc. Hope my back holds out. So far, so good. I am doing my exercises faithfully!
Tomorrow we are headed to Reno; then to Northern California and through Lassen Park to I-5. Hope to be in Medford, OR by Monday afternoon.
We are driving a rental car and it is a dream to drive. It is a Chevy Traverse and I am really liking it. Once we get to Odessa, we will turn it in (in Spokane) and pickup our truck and 5th wheel and bring it back to Arizona.
So until then next post in a few days...we are Wroamin' again and it feels good.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Happy Birthday David
I did it...I am actually posting this one early...tomorrow is Grandson David's birthday...he will be 29! Holy Cow!
WHat to write about David? I first met him when he was 2 days old...he was in the hospital still, under a yellow light due to jaundice. So tiny and small! And I fell in love...hard! He was my first true grandson. He was born in Bilioxi Mississippi...I was there for 5 days and it just about broke my heart to leave him with his Mom and Dad. They were so young...but regardless, he grew.
Next thing I know the family has moved to Wichita Kansas...ah, got to see him a lot more often. He was the sweetest baby...so mellow.

I made several trips to Kansas/Missouri over the years to see him and his brother Danny. David was always so sweet and kind to me. Over the years when the boys were older, Al would fly them to Seattle for the summer, to "surprise" me. Of course the first time he did this in 1988 it was a total surprise to me. What a fun summer we had. Then the next year he did it again, but this time I knew about it, but we kept it a secret from the boys because they wanted to surprise me again.
We also took them on vacations with us and to the Lake of the Ozarks when we would be there visiting friends.

Then the next thing I know, David is graduating from high school. Once again, time slips up on me.
Now, David is a father of three of the cutest, sweetest great granddaughters a grandma could ever want. I am so proud of you and love you David....Happy Birthday.
WHat to write about David? I first met him when he was 2 days old...he was in the hospital still, under a yellow light due to jaundice. So tiny and small! And I fell in love...hard! He was my first true grandson. He was born in Bilioxi Mississippi...I was there for 5 days and it just about broke my heart to leave him with his Mom and Dad. They were so young...but regardless, he grew.
Next thing I know the family has moved to Wichita Kansas...ah, got to see him a lot more often. He was the sweetest baby...so mellow.

I made several trips to Kansas/Missouri over the years to see him and his brother Danny. David was always so sweet and kind to me. Over the years when the boys were older, Al would fly them to Seattle for the summer, to "surprise" me. Of course the first time he did this in 1988 it was a total surprise to me. What a fun summer we had. Then the next year he did it again, but this time I knew about it, but we kept it a secret from the boys because they wanted to surprise me again.
We also took them on vacations with us and to the Lake of the Ozarks when we would be there visiting friends.

Then the next thing I know, David is graduating from high school. Once again, time slips up on me.
Now, David is a father of three of the cutest, sweetest great granddaughters a grandma could ever want. I am so proud of you and love you David....Happy Birthday.
Tell me again why I decided to do this?
Birthday posts sounded like such an easy job when I decided to do it this year. And it is...it's just that I can't keep up! So here we go again.
First off the list is Victor...May 12. Happy Birthday to grandson number 4. And the youngest grandson, even though he is 22! YIKES...how did THAT happen? I turned my back and all of these kids grew up! Sheeesh!
Vic is a special person. He is so fun to be around....at least when I am around him, which is very little I am sad to say. He lives in Portland, OR....I live in Tucson...of course ALL my children and grandchildren live far away from me. Darn it! Of course they way they are scattered across the USA I would have to live in several different states at the same time to be close to all of them...But back to Vic...VICTOR WARD. Ward after my dad...makes me smile.

Vic as a child was all boy...wanted to anything "BOY". He had dreams as all children do, about being a spy, spiderman, etc.
He had a little "car" that he drove all over everywhere, well at least in his yard. At the time they lived in California so I would only get to see him once or twice a year. Then, in 1995 they moved to Portland Oregon...only 4 hours away. I began burning up the highway between Seattle and Portland. I loved watching Vic and his sister Lori grow .
Then, as a teenager, Vic got interested in Rodeo's...not just watching them, but participating in them. And of course, he picked the most dangerous sport of all...bull riding. Needless to say, he is part of the reason my hair is gray!
Mololla Rodeo 2005
And before I knew it he was graduating from High School. WHAT??? How can that be? But, yes, he did graduate even with me claiming he was only 4!!!! HA.
First off the list is Victor...May 12. Happy Birthday to grandson number 4. And the youngest grandson, even though he is 22! YIKES...how did THAT happen? I turned my back and all of these kids grew up! Sheeesh!
Vic is a special person. He is so fun to be around....at least when I am around him, which is very little I am sad to say. He lives in Portland, OR....I live in Tucson...of course ALL my children and grandchildren live far away from me. Darn it! Of course they way they are scattered across the USA I would have to live in several different states at the same time to be close to all of them...But back to Vic...VICTOR WARD. Ward after my dad...makes me smile.

Vic as a child was all boy...wanted to anything "BOY". He had dreams as all children do, about being a spy, spiderman, etc.

Then, as a teenager, Vic got interested in Rodeo's...not just watching them, but participating in them. And of course, he picked the most dangerous sport of all...bull riding. Needless to say, he is part of the reason my hair is gray!

And before I knew it he was graduating from High School. WHAT??? How can that be? But, yes, he did graduate even with me claiming he was only 4!!!! HA.
And now, he is 22, and graduating from Jr. College here in a few days. We are so very proud of this young man. He has had to overcome some huge obstacles to get to where he is today. He has been diagnosed with Non Verbal Learning Disorder....but that didn't stop him. People said he couldn't finish Jr. College, but they forgot to tell him and he has defied all the odds. Yes, he has had to really struggle, but he has the determination and courage to overcome the obstacles life has put in his way. We are proud to call him our Grandson. We love you Vic...
Thursday, May 05, 2011
More Birthday Posts....still behind
I really thought this was going to be a good idea, and so easy....just do a blog for everyone's birthday. CHeeezzz...I can't keep up. So here we go....where I left off....
Al doing one of the things he loves best...cruising, this was in 2010.

Al doing something else he likes to do...relax while we are out in our RV

Al and his 5 children...r-l, Melanie, Jennifer, Ric, Mike
Front: Al, Jerry
April 28
April 21....Happy Birthday to our youngest GREAT Granddaughter Molly, who we haven't met yet. (I really, really need to go to Missouri!!).
Dear Molly, Grammy loves you so much and I will meet you soon. Big hug and kisses.
April 23
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND AL. Ric, Janet and Jennifer were here from Seattle to help Dad celebrate his 77th birthday. The kids came in on Thursday night. Friday they went to the Pima Air Museum...Dad and I elected to stay home. Saturday we spent the day getting ready for Dad's party. We had a house full, Jude and Roger; Pat and Patti; Bruce, Holly, Thomas: Jack and Suzi; Denise and Gordon; Barb. Sadly we all missed Bob...our get together's are just not the same anymore! But we all had a great time. Ric, Jenn and Janet did all of the great food...we had tri tip, baked potato casserole, salad and lemon coconut cake or chocolate cake for dessert. We were all sufficiently stuffed. Great day for Al.
Al doing something else he likes to do...relax while we are out in our RV
Al and his 5 children...r-l, Melanie, Jennifer, Ric, Mike
Front: Al, Jerry
April 28
Jerry on our Carribbean cruise
Doesn't look much like a cowboy here!!!
Jerry, our middle son celebrated his birthday today. We won't say which birthday as that would make us feel old...uh, ok, we do feel old. Jerry lives and works in Odessa. He loves to be outside and work with his hands and specializes in plants and nature. He is a true cowboy. We love him. He is fun to be with and a great guy.
April 30
It seems like just yesterday grandson David was calling us to tell us Sophie had arrived! We were on a cruise and happened to be in port in Astoria Oregon. We were so thrilled to hear the news. Sophie, sweet, shy, lovable. Cute dimples and beautiful eyes. What a little doll. Again, I need to go to Missouri to see these sweet great granddaughters of mine!
Okay, done with birthdays until next week. Whew...this has turned out to be a job...of course, we do have a large family and I love them all.
In other news, Al had gotten good reports from the Kidney Doctor and his regular doctor. So if he continues to improve we hope to take a short trip to see granddaughter Lori graduate from High School, grandson Victor graduate from Community College; then on to Seattle and over to Odessa for Al's high school reunion....but that isn't until next month.
So until next week.....stay happy and healthy.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Happy Birthdays... a little late
OH MY GOODNESS. I decided the first of this year I would celebrate my families birthdays this year by doing a blog on each and every one of them. Well, I am already 2 behind.
Let me start with my sweet great grand daughter Ada JoEllen. Since she is only 2 years old, there is not much in her life to tell. She is a sweet little girl, and I love her tons. Unfortunatelty she and her mom, dad and sisters live in Kansas City so I don't get to see her much. The one time I got to see her she was only 9 months old. I REALLY NEED TO GO TO MISSOURI SOON.

Next one on my birthday list, niece Sherry. Sherry is a niece, but more like a daughter to us. She just turned 43! How did that happen? Sherry entered my life when I married Al. She is his brothers youngest daughter and has been Jennifer's Buest friend/sister/cousin/partner in crime for over 30 years. Where you would find Jenn you would find Sherry. Nothing has changed in 30 years.
She is a breast cancer survivor and is very active in the Susan Komen Breast Cancer program. Sherry works for King County and her speciality is fingerprinting. At least I think that is what it is...it used to be at least. She is a tall, pretty lady who is very special to us.
Let me start with my sweet great grand daughter Ada JoEllen. Since she is only 2 years old, there is not much in her life to tell. She is a sweet little girl, and I love her tons. Unfortunatelty she and her mom, dad and sisters live in Kansas City so I don't get to see her much. The one time I got to see her she was only 9 months old. I REALLY NEED TO GO TO MISSOURI SOON.

Next one on my birthday list, niece Sherry. Sherry is a niece, but more like a daughter to us. She just turned 43! How did that happen? Sherry entered my life when I married Al. She is his brothers youngest daughter and has been Jennifer's Buest friend/sister/cousin/partner in crime for over 30 years. Where you would find Jenn you would find Sherry. Nothing has changed in 30 years.
She is a breast cancer survivor and is very active in the Susan Komen Breast Cancer program. Sherry works for King County and her speciality is fingerprinting. At least I think that is what it is...it used to be at least. She is a tall, pretty lady who is very special to us.
Happy Birthday Sherrie!!!!
Saturday, April 09, 2011
As I check the calendar this morning it says "April 9" and we are still in Tucson. So? Well, we woke to 42 degrees and rain. By noon it was 34 and rain mixed with snow. THIS IS APRIL!!! Right now, 4:20 pm, it is 37 degrees and rain. UGH! Yesterday we had the a/c on. I am confused. So is the weather. I don't like the cold, but the rain is much, much needed.
Last Wednesday we took friends Dick and Lano to our poodle breeder and they picked up their new puppy, Misty. She is so darn cute. 13 weeks old, black, ball of fur. Both my poodles are okay with it, but not happy. Their house has been invaded; by a little pest. She won't leave Beau alone; he finally nipped at her (yes, this is my Beau) and she has learned to behave around him. Schuster, on the other hand, had enough of the little pest and swatted her with his paw...she went rolling across the floor, got up, shook herself off and decided that wasn't fun. The cats have both taken swats at her as well. She will learn. Maybe.
Last Wednesday we took friends Dick and Lano to our poodle breeder and they picked up their new puppy, Misty. She is so darn cute. 13 weeks old, black, ball of fur. Both my poodles are okay with it, but not happy. Their house has been invaded; by a little pest. She won't leave Beau alone; he finally nipped at her (yes, this is my Beau) and she has learned to behave around him. Schuster, on the other hand, had enough of the little pest and swatted her with his paw...she went rolling across the floor, got up, shook herself off and decided that wasn't fun. The cats have both taken swats at her as well. She will learn. Maybe.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
It's been a long 25 days
Today we said our final farewell to dear friend Bob Grabow. His Celebration of Life was very moving and we were able to meet a lot of his family. Two of his step daughters were present, Kathy and Charlene. What wonderful people they are and they are just as beautiful as their mother was. Bob's nephews and niece were there as well....they took the time and made the effort to come to Tucson from Boise, Laughlin and San Diego. What a wonderful family Bob had. Sadly, all of his generation is gone now....
I have been busy helping Rob and the executor get necessary things done. I am so glad for George, the executor, he is doing a wonderful job and is a wonderful person. I am trying to keep Bob's house together; Gordon and I are sharing watering duties and I check the house a couple of times a week to make sure all is well. The house is to be sold, so that chore should be over soon.
It has been HOT here...in the high 90's last week. WAY to early for that kind of heat. It is suppose to cool down this coming week and I sure hope it does.
Dick and Lano are heading over for a few days this week. Haven't seen them since Christmas so we are anxious to see them. We are also going up to Black Canyon City to pick up their new puppy. They are getting Beau's great niece....so happy for them. We will take Beau and Schuster with us so Beau can see his mommy again. Beau is undoubtly THE BEST DOG in the world, with Schuster running a very close second. I had a yard sale last weekend and Beau "Greeted" everyone who came. I had to frisk a couple of people to make sure they didn't have Beau!!!!
Hope your month of March was good and that April is better. Until later.......
I have been busy helping Rob and the executor get necessary things done. I am so glad for George, the executor, he is doing a wonderful job and is a wonderful person. I am trying to keep Bob's house together; Gordon and I are sharing watering duties and I check the house a couple of times a week to make sure all is well. The house is to be sold, so that chore should be over soon.
It has been HOT here...in the high 90's last week. WAY to early for that kind of heat. It is suppose to cool down this coming week and I sure hope it does.
Dick and Lano are heading over for a few days this week. Haven't seen them since Christmas so we are anxious to see them. We are also going up to Black Canyon City to pick up their new puppy. They are getting Beau's great niece....so happy for them. We will take Beau and Schuster with us so Beau can see his mommy again. Beau is undoubtly THE BEST DOG in the world, with Schuster running a very close second. I had a yard sale last weekend and Beau "Greeted" everyone who came. I had to frisk a couple of people to make sure they didn't have Beau!!!!
Hope your month of March was good and that April is better. Until later.......
Sunday, March 13, 2011
RIP our dear friend
I knew this week was too quiet. No doctor appointments at all. Something had to happen...and it did.
On March 9 the world lost a great man. Our dear friend Bob Grabow died. Bob and Al have been best bud's since 1949!! High school together and have remained friends all these years. Bob was one of the reasons we settled in Tucson. He had lived here for the last 25 plus years. We had great times together the past 10 years...we traveled to Alaska together; spent many, many hours at our house, met for lunch at least once a week, etc. Our lives will never be the same and a big void has entered our life.
I got a call Wednesday evening around 7:00 p.m. from the MedicAlert company that Bob had pushed the emergency button and they had dispatched the EMT's. I called Bob and he said he was having trouble breathing and would I come over and take care of the dog and "things". Friend Gordon and I raced over to Bob's only to be met by the fire department telling us they had transported Bob to the hospital. So off to the ER we went. When we arrived we were escorted into a private "consulting" room...I knew then that the news wasn't good. The doctor came in and informed us that Bob had died from a massive heart attack. Needless to say, Gordon and I were in shock. We then had to go find Bob's son, Rob and tell him. Worse thing in the world to have to do. Hope I never have to do that again. We spent all day Thursday at Bob's house sorting through paper work and getting it ready for the executor of the trust. I sure was glad to turn that big box over to him.
So our life has changed once again. We will miss Bob tremdously, we will miss his dry humor and wit. Rest in peace our dear friend. We loved you.
On March 9 the world lost a great man. Our dear friend Bob Grabow died. Bob and Al have been best bud's since 1949!! High school together and have remained friends all these years. Bob was one of the reasons we settled in Tucson. He had lived here for the last 25 plus years. We had great times together the past 10 years...we traveled to Alaska together; spent many, many hours at our house, met for lunch at least once a week, etc. Our lives will never be the same and a big void has entered our life.
I got a call Wednesday evening around 7:00 p.m. from the MedicAlert company that Bob had pushed the emergency button and they had dispatched the EMT's. I called Bob and he said he was having trouble breathing and would I come over and take care of the dog and "things". Friend Gordon and I raced over to Bob's only to be met by the fire department telling us they had transported Bob to the hospital. So off to the ER we went. When we arrived we were escorted into a private "consulting" room...I knew then that the news wasn't good. The doctor came in and informed us that Bob had died from a massive heart attack. Needless to say, Gordon and I were in shock. We then had to go find Bob's son, Rob and tell him. Worse thing in the world to have to do. Hope I never have to do that again. We spent all day Thursday at Bob's house sorting through paper work and getting it ready for the executor of the trust. I sure was glad to turn that big box over to him.
So our life has changed once again. We will miss Bob tremdously, we will miss his dry humor and wit. Rest in peace our dear friend. We loved you.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
I CAN NOT BELIEVE MY EYES! I looked at our calendar this week and we have no doctor appointments...AT ALL .. for this week or next! Surely, there must be a mistake. We seem to have plenty of Physical Therapy appointments, but NO doctor appointments. I can't remember how long ago this has happened!! Woo Hoo... However, I am still on my quest to figure out all the medical bills we have and how to pay them! Yes, Medicare has done their part and our supplemental insurance has done it's very small part....at least for most of the bills. I still have a few questions on some of the bills for Medicare ( or Medicrap as it is commonly referred to in this house) and I have a lot more for the supplementary insurance. Strange things that wasn't covered that should be, etc. I think I will hire out to others to do this....just kidding.
Weather has been wonderful the past few days. In the high 70's to mid 80's most of the days. The nights are still pretty cold, but at least not freezing any more. We have had our share of wind, but then we always do. It's funny that when we have wind Gary and Jeannette where they live across town have no wind and visa versa.
We are anxiously looking for our next set of visitors. Daughter-in-law Bev and great grand daughter Natasha are due in on Mar 13 for a week. Mike will join them mid week. So excited.....
Not much else to report from this household for once. Everything is pretty calm and I like it that way. Al is doing well; my back is same and the physical therapy is helping, however, it will be a long road to better. Oh well, such is life.
Weather has been wonderful the past few days. In the high 70's to mid 80's most of the days. The nights are still pretty cold, but at least not freezing any more. We have had our share of wind, but then we always do. It's funny that when we have wind Gary and Jeannette where they live across town have no wind and visa versa.
We are anxiously looking for our next set of visitors. Daughter-in-law Bev and great grand daughter Natasha are due in on Mar 13 for a week. Mike will join them mid week. So excited.....
Not much else to report from this household for once. Everything is pretty calm and I like it that way. Al is doing well; my back is same and the physical therapy is helping, however, it will be a long road to better. Oh well, such is life.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
To William Eugene....
Happy Birthday to daughter Billie Jean, or William Eugene as Jenn calls her. Some of you may be saying "who??" Billie is our special daughter. We adopted each other many years ago...as I like to say, we found her in our family room when she was 11 and she never left us. Billie was Jennifer's best friend in school...6th grade I believe. Anyway, she was always at our house, went on vacations with us, etc. We love her like we love all of our children.
I don't really have any childhood stories to tell about Billie because she didn't enter into our lives until she was 11, but I do have stories. One vacation we took to the beach/Big Sur/Carmel/Winchester Castle, etc. Billie was into squirrels that trip....I bet she took over 100 pictures of squirrels....I know I had a lot on my camera as well. Imagine my surprise when I got the film developed and there were all these pictures, this is a squirrel, this is another squirrel, etc. We had a tent camper at the time and I remember the girls giggling at night until Dad or I would tell them to be quiet, then the would just giggle quietly.
Fast forward a few years...we have been to Saudi and now back in Seattle. Lo and behold I come home from work one day and here is Billie in my family room again! She had flown up from California to see us! Imagine how happy I was.
Billie is a Lt in the LA County Sheriffs Department. However, when she was out on the streets, before her various promotions, I didn't want to hear what she did....of all of our kids, her job scared me the most. She is as smart as smart can be and it didn't take her long to go up the ranks to LT, which is fine with me. At least she is off the streets. Very proud of her.
Billie married her wonderful hubby Dan in 1998. We were privileged to be "parents of the bride", with Dad walking her down the aisle. He was so proud of her. Heck, we both were! Talk about beaming parents -- that was us!
Billie and Dan still live in the Antelope Valley and they are so good to us. She truly has a big part of my heart....such a special daughter. Happy Birthday Billie.....we love you.
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