Sunday, August 19, 2007

This is August???

Odessa, WA

This is August 19. I keep looking at the calendar to make sure. Why???? Because is was a whopping 60 degrees today and rain! We woke up to a nice, gentle rain, which lasted all day. I am not complaining about the rain for once. What I am complaining about is the 60 degree high! WAIT! We are in Eastern Washington...the average temperature for today is 90 degrees! We missed the average by 30 degrees! Yes, I am freezing, however, I refused to dress for the occasion...I AM STILL WEARING my shorts! Regardless of what the thermometer says...I am going by my calendar! Okay, so I am freezing and cold....but it is AUGUST for heavens sakes!!!

In other news from around our house....Gary and Jeannette visited today with pictures of their beautiful, handsome new baby grandson, Joshua. Kali and Scott welcomed their new baby on Aug. 1 and he certainly is handsome for a new baby. And just for the record, Grandma and Grandpa are so happy with his arrival.

I accomplished something today as well...I finished my first quilt! I had finished the quilt top in June before we left for Alaska, and left it to be quilted while I was gone. I got it back a couple of weeks ago and still had to finish the edges, which I did today. So, I really have a feeling of accomplishment today...and I think my quilt is pretty, even with all the mistakes of a first quilt. IT was fun to do and I will begin another one in Tucson as soon as things settle down a bit.

We are planning on leaving next Sunday for our trip south. I can't believe we are leaving seems to early, which it really is. We usually don't leave until the first part of November, but, since we have so much to do on our other house in Tucson, we are leaving earlier this year. We will go to Seattle for a couple of days to see friends and children and to do our usual doctor routines; then to Portland to get in a quick visit with Melanie and family; then to Medford to visit Jo's sister for a day or so before we head to Palmdale/Acton to stop at Billie and Dan's for a day or so to see them and pickup an air conditioner/heater unit for the Tucson house...then an overnight stop in Yuma and on in to Tucson. We should be fairly well worn out by then. We plan a week stay in Tucson before we head into Colorado to visit Jo's brother and cousins, and then on to St. Louis to see Mike and family. From St. Louis, Al will stay with Mike while Jo and Beverly head on to Washington DC for a week of sight seeing and "girl time". By the time we get back to Tucson it will be time for Al to come back to Odessa for hunting....whew...I am tired just writing about all of it!

We hope this finds everyone doing well and happy with their until next time...we are getting ready to become
THE WROAMIN' WRASPIR'S again, including all animals!

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